Yesterday at the Capitol
Lawmakers revealed the first bills for the 2011-12 biennium yesterday. The Senate explained SF 1, a job creation bill that provides businesses with regulatory relief and $200 million in tax cuts. Author of the bill, Deputy Majority Leader Geoff Michel, R-Edina, said, "We want to make Minnesota the best place to start a business and expand a business." The bill would phase in a 50 percent reduction of the business income tax rate, and gradually drop over the next six years. Business property taxes would be rolled back to 2009 levels. The estimated cost for both tax breaks is $200 million over the biennium. Michel said senators plan to roll up their sleeves and work with the bill through the committee process.
The House unveiled HF2 yesterday afternoon. Rep. King Banaian, R-St. Cloud, who is sponsoring the bill, explained that it's about priority based budgeting, and establishes a "sunset review" every 10 years to determine whether agencies should be abolished or reorganized. He said the goal is to examine how the state can best deliver its services rather than just growing agencies’ budgets. Banaian said that by the end of 10 years, the Legislature and the Office of the Legislative Auditor will have looked at every regulation within state government. He said, "It's what we owe to the people of Minnesota." For a complete listing of the newly introduced bills, please see the attached.
The Senate Higher Education committee met yesterday and after committee members introduced themselves, the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, or MOHE, gave an overview of the office and services they provide. Mark Misukanis with MOHE said that the office serves students in a variety of ways. He explained that 93 percent of the office's budget is for financial aid. Apart from financial aid, MOHE provides other services including; consumer protection, college access and data and analysis.
The committee is scheduled to meet next Wednesday, Jan. 19 to hear from the University of Minnesota, followed by a Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system overview on Monday, Jan. 24.
Today at the Capitol
8:00 AM
Regent Candidate Advisory Council
Room: 400N State Office Building
Chair: Jane Belau
Agenda: Candidate Interviews
8:15 AM
House State Government Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
Agenda: Member and staff introductions
Helen Roberts, Fiscal Analyst: overview of the jurisdiction of the State Government Finance committee Mark Shepard, House Research: overview of mandated reports within jurisdiction of committee
8:15 AM
House Education Reform
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Sondra Erickson
Agenda: Overview of teacher licensure system and new assessment
Karen Balmer, Board of Teaching, Executive Director
John Melick, Minnesota Department of Education, Educator Licensing Director
10:15 AM
House Taxes Committee
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Greg Davids
Agenda: Introductions
Committee priorities
Background on Minnesota tax system
10:15 AM
House Government Operations and Elections
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Joyce Peppin
Bill(s) Added
Agenda: HF2 (Banaian) State budget priority-based process created, sunset process established for state agencies, and money appropriated.
Office of Administrative Hearings presentation on state rulemaking
House Research Intro to government operations
HF52 (Peppin) City, county, and town zoning control and ordinance variances provided
10:30 AM
Senate Committee on Jobs and Economic Growth
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Geoff Michel
Agenda: Overview of Minnesota economy from the Itasca Project
12:30 PM
House Higher Education Policy and Finance
Room: Basement Hearing Room - State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Bud Nornes
Agenda: Introductions
Committee Procedures
Overview of Jurisdiction and Accounts
12:30 PM
House Education Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Pat Garofalo
Agenda: Minnesota school finance overview from Legislative Analyst Tim Strom and Fiscal Analyst Greg Crowe
12:30 PM
House Jobs and Economic Development Finance
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Bob Gunther
Agenda: Member and staff introductions.
Agency and budget overviews by nonpartisan staff.
1:00 PM
Senate Committee on Agriculture and Rural Economies
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Doug Magnus
Agenda: Introductions/Overview from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture
3:00 PM
Senate Education Committee
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Gen Olson
Agenda: Committee introductions
A presentation by Cecilia Retelle of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce entitled "Wanted: Prepared Workforce; Needed: Education Reforms"
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, January 12
8:00 AM
Regent Candidate Advisory Council
Room: 400N State Office Building
Chair: Jane Belau
Agenda: Candidate Interviews
All-day legislative conference
Thursday, January 13
8:15 AM
House Education Reform
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Sondra Erickson
Bill(s) Added
Agenda: HF63 (Garofalo) Teacher licensure provisions amended, alternative teacher preparation program and limited-term teacher license established, and report required.
Presentation of "WANTED: Prepared Workforce NEEDED: Education Reforms"
Cecilia Retelle, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
8:30 AM
Senate Finance Committee
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Claire Robling
Agenda: Introductions
Budget Overview - Matt Massman, Lead Fiscal Analyst - Senate Counsel, Research and Fiscal Analysis
8:30 AM
Senate Taxes Committee
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Julianne Ortman
Agenda: Committee Introduction, General Overview Minnesota Tax System
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
12:30 PM
House Higher Education Policy and Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Bud Nornes
Agenda: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities overview
3:00 PM
House in Session
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Session priorities set- jobs and budget; Senate higher education committee meets
Posted by
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
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