Today at the Capitol
Gov. Mark Dayton will release his bonding proposal at a news conference this morning. He has previously said that he will release about $500 million in projects and suggest that the Legislature add another $500 million.
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
1:00 PM
Senate State Government Innovation and Veterans
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Mike Parry
Agenda: Department of Military Affairs Overview and Department of Veteran Affairs Overview
3:00 PM
Senate Higher Education
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Michelle L. Fischbach
Agenda: Getting Prepared: A 2010 Report on Recent High School Graduates Who Took Developmental/Remedial Courses
3:00 PM
House in Session
3:00 PM
Senate Education
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Gen Olson
Agenda: Commissioner Brenda Cassellius, Ed.D
Minnesota Board of School Administrator appointee confirmations
Looking Ahead
Tuesday, February 1
8:15 AM
House Education Reform
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Sondra Erickson
Agenda: Minnesota Department of Education Data Systems
Aimee Rogstad Guidera, Executive Director, Data Quality Campaign
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Claire A. Robling
S.F. 56-Thompson: School district and charter school salary freeze imposition; safe schools levy set aside requirement removal; staff development reserved revenue and school district contract deadline and penalty repeal.
S.F. 40-Olson, G.: Teacher licensure provisions modifications; alternative teacher preparation program and limited-term teacher license establishment.
S.F. 69-Olson, G.: Home schools mandates and reporting requirements reduction.
12:30 PM
House Higher Education Policy and Finance
Room: Basement Hearing Room, State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Bud Nornes
Agenda: Getting Prepared: A 2010 Report on Recent High School Graduates Who Took Developmental/Remedial Courses
12:30 PM
House Education Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep.Pat Garofalo,
Agenda: HF88(Doepke) Student health personnel set-aside removed.
Schools for Equity inEducation: Brad Lundell, Executive Director
3:00 PM
Senate Education
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Gen Olson
Agenda: Minnesota Dept. of Education Data Systems
Aimee Rogstad Guidera, Executive Director, Data Quality Campaign
4:30 PM
House Ways and Means
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mary Liz Holberg
Agenda: HF55 (Hackbarth) Stream easement acquisition provisions
modified; state park, state forest, and land exchange provisions
modified; state parks and state forests added to and deleted from; and public and private sales, conveyances, and exchanges of state land authorized.
HF1 (Fabian) Environmental permitting efficiency provided, and
environmental review requirements modified.
HF79 (Davids) Dependent health care coverage to adult children through age 26 for tax year 2010 federal extension conformed.
HF63 (Garofalo) Teacher licensure provisions amended, alternative
teacher preparation program and limited-term teacher license
established, and report required.
Wednesday, February 2
Rochester Day at the Capitol
The Rochester Community and Technical College band will be playing in the Capitol Rotunda at 1:45 p.m.
3:00 PM
Senate Higher Education
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Michelle L. Fischbach
Agenda: Higher Education budget and funding overview. Presented by Maja Weidmann Senate Fiscal Analyst
Call of the Chair
Senate in Session
Thursday, February 3
8:15 AM
House State Government Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
Agenda: HF110 (Kahn) Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement membership increased.
Finish up Public Pension fund overview from January 18th:
Mary Vanek, Executive Director of Public Employees Retirement
Association (PERA); Laurie Hacking, Executive Director of Teachers Retirement Association (TRA); and Dave Bergstrom, Executive Director, or another representative of Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS)
Additional bills may be added.
8:15 AM
House Education Reform
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Sondra Erickson
Agenda: Agency update and priorities from the Minnesota Department of Education - Commissioner Brenda Cassellius
8:30 AM
Joint Meeting: Senate Finance and Taxes
Room: 15 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Claire Robling and Sen. Julianne
Agenda: State Budget Trends Study Commission Report presentation - Kevin Goodno, Co-Chair
State Rankings presentation - Mark Haveman, Executive Director Minnesota Taxpayer Association
10:15 AM
House Government Operations and Elections
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Joyce Peppin
Agenda: HF89 (Benson) Voter picture identification required before
receiving a ballot, voter identification card provided at no charge, and provisional balloting procedure established.
HF210 (Kiffmeyer) Voter picture identification required before receiving a ballot, identification cards provided at no charge, provisional ballot procedures established, election administration procedures specified, electronic polling place required, recount procedures enacted, and money appropriated.
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
12:30 PM
House Education Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep.Pat Garofalo,
Agenda: Agency update and priorities
Minnesota Department of Education
Brenda Cassellius, Commissioner
Monday, January 31, 2011
Governor to release bonding proposal; schedules posted
Posted by
Monday, January 31, 2011
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