Yesterday at the Capitol
The bonding conference committee met until 1:30 this morning. Conferees will meet again at 9 a.m. today to finish up. The bill is expected to be on the House and Senate floors today (see schedule below). We will send out the details as soon as they finish.
Today at the Capitol
The bonding conference committee will meet again this morning at 9:00 in room 123 of the Capitol (it will also be televised and webcast live).
9:00 AM
Conference Committee on H.F. 2700
Room: 123 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Keith Langseth and Rep. Alice Hausman
Agenda: H.F. 2700-Langseth: Omnibus capital investments bonding and appropriations.
SENATE: Langseth; Pappas; Tomassoni; Lynch; Koering
HOUSE: Hausman; Howes; Solberg; Wagenius; Scalze
11:00 AM televised
Senate in session
Bonding bill
1:00 PM televised
House in session
Bonding bill
Looking Ahead
Tuesday, February 23
8:30 AM
House K-12 Education Policy and Oversight
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Agenda: Teaching proposals in Minnesota's Race to the Top application:
Recommended state teacher evaluation rubric
Enhanced QComp
Ensuring equitable distribution of effective teachers
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
Chair: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf
Room 112 Capitol
S.F. 2331
Explosive growth revenue for education establishment.
S.F. XXXX (Lynch) ISD 535 Rochester, building proceeds transfer to general fund.
S.F. XXXX (Lynch) ISD 535 Rochester, debt service fund transfer.
S.F. 2375 (Stumpf) Independent school district #356, Lancaster; transition revenue adjustment.
S.F. 509 (Rosen) School swimming pool levy authority expansion.
S.F. 2320 (Dibble) Minneapolis school board member removal authority modification.
10:30 AM
House Bioscience and Workforce Development Policy and Oversight Division
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tim Mahoney
Agenda: Continued discussion of the Office of the Legislative Auditor report: Workforce Programs
12:30 PM
Senate Education Budget and Policy Division
Chair: Sen. Sandra L. Pappas
Room 123 Capitol
Bush Foundation Proposal-Peter Hutchinson
OHE: Preliminary Minnesota Postsecondary Enrollment Census for Fall 2009
Minnesota's 2008 High School Graduates Enrolled in College at Record Rates-Mark Misukanis & Alexandra Djurovich , OHE
1:00 PM
House Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance and Policy Division
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Agenda: Overview of Governor's budget - Workforce/Economic Development
Dept of Labor and Industry -Commissioner Steve Sviggum
Dept of Employment and Economic Development - Commissioner McElroy
2:45 PM
House K-12 Education Finance Division
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: Shared services report
HF2840 (Swails) Collaborative governance council established. - Information only
2:45 PM
House State Government Finance Division
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Phyllis Kahn
Agenda: MMB and OET Personnel and Payroll System Security Controls; MMB discussion of planned $9M savings from an additional 3% operating budget reduction.
Wednesday, February 24
8:30 AM
House K-12 Education Policy and Oversight
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Agenda: HF2751 (Morgan) Students who do not pass the reading and language arts GRAD allowed to retake the test in paper-and-pencil format.
HF3043 (Kalin) Computer-adaptive assessments provided for general education students.
HF3069 (Kath) Board of Teaching directed to incorporate professional reflection and growth in best teaching practices into its renewal requirements for a continuing teaching license.
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division - Subcommittee on Arts Education
Chair: Sen. Dan Skogen
Room 112 Capitol
Update on art and education to the E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
10:30 AM
House Bioscience and Workforce Development Policy and Oversight Division
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tim Mahoney
Agenda: TBA
2:45 PM
House K-12 Education Finance Division
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: HF664 (Welti) Mental health model curriculum created.
HF2814 (Swails) Pupil transportation provisions modified, certain lift buses included in category of revenue authorized reimbursement, and contracted transportation costs included as a method for allocating pupil transportation costs.
HF3022 (Tillberry) Legislative intent clarified, and language added to the collaborative urban educator appropriation.
Thursday, February 25
8:30 AM
House K-12 Education Policy and Oversight
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Agenda: HF3074 (Slocum) Board of Teaching allowed to approve innovative, research-based teacher and preparation and licensure programs.
HFXXXX (Mariani) Alternative teacher preparation program and limited-term teacher license established.
Meeting Documents: HFXXXX (Mariani) Alternative teacher preparation program and limited-term teacher license established.
12:30 PM
Senate Education Budget and Policy Division
Chair: Sen. Sandra L. Pappas
Room 123 Capitol
Agenda: OLA report on the Office of the Chancellor
1:00 PM
House Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance and Policy Division
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Agenda: Legislative Auditor
1) Workforce Programs report
2) Unemployment Insurance Information Technology Audit
2:45 PM
House K-12 Education Finance Division
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: TBD
4:30 PM
House Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance and Policy Division
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Agenda: Legislative Auditor
MnSCU Central Office report
Friday, February 26
9:30 AM
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Chair: Sen. Don Betzold/Rep. Mary Murphy
Room 107 Capitol
Agenda: SF2499 / HF2953 (Betzold/Murphy, M.) TRA; Financial sustainability measures.
SF2573 / HF2952 (Betzold/Murphy, M.) MSRS; Financial sustainability measures.
SF2631 / HF2999 (Betzold/Murphy, M.) PERA; Financial sustainability measures.
SF2672 (Betzold) PERA-P&F; MPPOA-recommended financial sustainability measures.
SF2404 / HF2951 (Pappas/Kahn) SPTRFA; Increasing benefits and state aid, revising fiduciary provisions and large plan investment authority.
SF506 / HF592 (Betzold/Thissen) Teacher plans benefit increase.
HFxxxx (Murphy, M.) DTRFA; Financial sustainability measures.
Friday, March 5
10:00 AM
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Room: 107 State Capitol
Chairs: Rep. Mary Murphy, Sen. Don Betzold
Agenda: TBA
11:00 AM
Legislative Audit Commission Topic Select Subcommittee
Room: 318 State Capitol
Chair: Rep. Rick Hansen
Agenda: Working session to select 8-10 evaluation topics for further consideration by the subcommittee
Monday, February 22, 2010
Bonding conference committee continues to meet
Posted by
Monday, February 22, 2010
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