Yesterday at the Capitol
As committees meet to push through policy bills before the final deadline Friday, conference committees continue to meet. Some of the conference committees are beginning to adopt provisions that are the same or similar between the House and Senate versions, including the state government conference committee. But yesterday Gov. Dayton asked Republican legislative leaders to "pick up the pace" on the budget and the Star Tribune is reporting that Dayton would rather go to a special session than agree to the current legislative budget plan.
Despite the current stalemate with 19 days remaining before adjournment, Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch, R-Buffalo, said she's still optimistic about finishing on time. Koch said the finance chairs have been negotiating with the respective commissioners in Dayton's cabinet. "When we feel comfortable and the governor feels comfortable, then we'd like to get those passed off the floor and get them signed by the governor," Koch said.
With just a little over two weeks remaining, there is some, albeit slight, action relating to bonding. The House Capital Investment committee met yesterday afternoon to discuss flooding, and there was plenty of discussion surrounding what is considered "emergency" projects. Committee Chair Larry Howes, R-Walker, speculated about a likely bonding bill. As for the higher education finance bill, there has been no indiction when the next higher education conference committee will be. We will continue to keep you posted.
Today at the Capitol
8:15 AM
House State Government Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
HF1633 (Norton) Gross profit use clarified
HF545 (Downey) State budget document required to include federal insolvency contingency planning.
HF1485 (Kriesel) Lawful gambling tax rates modified, linked bingo and electronic pull-tabs provided for, and clarifying, conforming, and technical changes made. Testifying:
- King Wilson, Executive Director of Allied Charities of Minnesota
- Gene Lindahl, Morristown American Legion
- Laurie Gluesing, Climb Theatre
- Shawn Donahue, Spring Lake Park Lions
- Mary Perren, Cottage Grove Athletic Association
- HF418 (Downey) Back Office Consolidation Act proposed; and accounting, financial reporting, procurement, fleet services, human resources, and payroll functions centralized in the Department of Administration.
*Note: HF 418 was previously heard in committee and laid over for possible inclusion in omnibus state government finance bill. It will be motioned to Ways and Means Committee during this hearing.
8:15 AM
Conference Committee on H.F. 42: Omnibus tax bill
Room: 15 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Julianne E. Ortman and Rep. Greg Davids
SENATE: Ortman; Rosen; Senjem; Chamberlain; Limmer
HOUSE: Davids; Lenczewski; Runbeck; Anderson; Loon
Agenda: Discussion of Local Option Sales Taxes
8:30 AM
Conference Committee on S.F. 887: Omnibus jobs and economic development bill
Room: 107 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Geoff Michel and Rep. Bob Gunther
SENATE: Michel; Pederson; Miller; Daley; Lillie
HOUSE: Gunther; Hoppe; McFarlane; Sanders; Kieffer
S.F. 887-Michel: Omnibus jobs and economic growth and development appropriations
10:15 AM
House Government Operations and Elections
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Joyce Peppin
HF1358 (Kahn) Neighborhood revitalization program termination and transition activities in a city of the first class provided.
HF1607 (Woodard) Capitol Complex Security advisory committee created, and State Patrol authorized to provide security and protection to certain government officials.
HF1523 (Holberg) Zoning for residential property used as vacation rental provided.
HFXXXX (Loeffler) A bill for an act relating to local government; terminating Hennepin County Soil And Water Conservation District and transferring certain duties;proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 383B.
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
12:30 PM
House in Session
3:00 PM
Senate Education
Room 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Gen Olson
Agenda: Tom Vander Ark, CEO for OpenEd Solutions
The presentation will focus on individualization, customization, and motivation as the main techniques to enhance learning for all students.
6:00 PM
Senate State Government Innovation and Veterans
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Mike Parry
S.F. 1099-Daley: Minnesota assistance council for veterans continued outreach to homeless veterans and families grant appropriation.
S.F. 896-Daley: Counties and first class cities private audits authority.
S.F. 725-Daley: Revenue department request for proposals for tax analytics and business intelligence contract.
S.F. 1359-Pederson: Legislative commission on planning and fiscal policy duties expansion.
S.F. 849-Carlson, J.: State employee group insurance program (SEGIP) retired employee termination notice requirement and coverage reinstatement procedure.
S.F. 1340-Carlson, J.: Minnesota Accountable Government Innovation and Collaboration (MAGIC) Act; counties general welfare provisions authorization
S.F. 1215-Gimse: Drivers license credit and debit card use authority.
S.F. 739-Lillie: Deputy commissioner and assistant commissioner positions reduction.
7:30 PM
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
Agenda: HF81 (Rukavina); SFxxxx: PERA; Purchase of service and salary credit
authorized for certain former employees of Babbit and Buhl for eligible
unreported employment.
HF476 (Kelly); SF176 (Howe): PERA; Red Wing Port Authority employees included and retroactive retirement coverage validated.
HF1338 (McFarlane); SF1113 (Chamberlain): White Bear Lake Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association; Use of special actuarial work authorized in determining the 2009 and 2010 special fund financial requirements and minimum municipal obligations.
HF1415 (Melin); SF1129 (Tomassoni): Police and fire plans; Relief associations extension provided for submitting reports.
HF1528 (Morrow); SF1277 (Sheran): MSRS; Increased annuity provided for surviving spouse and dependent children of employee killed while engaged in emergency response to flooding.
HFxxxx; SF1252 (Olson, G.): TRA; Independent school district #270, Hopkins; part time teacher participant salary credit purchase authorization.
Looking Ahead
Friday, May 6
9:30 AM
House in Session
10:30 AM
Senate Higher Education
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Michelle L. Fischbach
H.F. 821-Fischbach: Senior citizen higher education program qualifying age modification.
Confirmation hearing: Jacob Englund, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees
12:30 PM (or 15 Minutes after the last body adjourns)
Conference committee on SF 1047: state government finance
Room: 112 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Mike Parry and Rep. Morrie Lanning
SENATE CONFEREES: Parry; Gazelka; Thompson; Daley; Vandeveer
HOUSE CONFEREES: Lanning; Downey; Benson; Stensrud; Anderson
Agenda: State government finance bill
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Committees process bills; Schedules posted
Posted by
Thursday, May 05, 2011
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