Gov. Mark Dayton vetoed all nine budget bills today and returned the bills to the Legislature along with veto messages outlining areas of both agreement and concern in each of the bills.
Here is Gov. Dayton's press release on the veto of all nine bills.
Here is the higher education letter.
Here is the state government letter.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Budget bills vetoed; Letters posted
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Session concludes with no deal; What comes next?
The Legislature is heading into overtime. Both bodies worked up until midnight, the House debating the Outdoor Legacy funding bill (which never received a vote due to time running out) and the Senate delivering end-of-session speeches. Gov. Dayton and Republican legislative leaders were unable to reach a budget deal, which means Dayton will need to call lawmakers back to St. Paul in order to pass a balanced budget before July 1, which is the start of fiscal year 2012. Dayton has indicated that he would not call lawmakers back right away, but rather wait until he and Republican leaders have a framework in which to resolve the budget deficit.
The higher education finance bill was tied up with the other finance bills while a global agreement on the budget was being negotiated. Dayton has indicated he will veto the budget bills, and has until Wednesday to do so. Republican leaders have scheduled a fly-around tomorrow urging Dayton to sign their budget bills. Lawmakers passed some legislation that affects the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system. Once the higher education finance bill and other bills affecting the system pass, we will send out a more complete summary.
Agriculture Omnibus Finance bill - includes $94,000 for both years of the biennium for statewide mental health counseling support to farm families and business operators through farm business management programs at Central Lakes College and Ridgewater College.
Omnibus Liquor bill - included in the bill is a provision that removes outdated area of service language for public state universities. M.S. 340A.412 states that no license to sell liquor may be issued within 1,500 feet of a state university with certain exceptions near Minnesota State Colleges and Universities state universities. The liquor license prohibition was removed.
Teacher Candidates Basic Skills Exam bill - current law requires candidates for teacher licensure to pass a basic skills test in reading, writing and math, and provides for three years after receiving an initial teaching license to pass the exam. This bill requires candidates for teacher licensure pass the basic skills test before being granted an initial teaching license.
Alternative Teacher Preparation bill - provides for alternative pathways to becoming a licensed teacher. Alternative licensure candidates who meet all criteria would be granted a two-year limited license, which the Board of Teaching may renew for an additional year. Candidates must have a 3.0 or higher grade-point average or a waiver from the Board; pass basic reading, writing and math skills exams; and obtain qualifying scores on board-approved content and pedagogy exams.
State Agency Retained Savings Program bill - this bill establishes the State Agency Value Initiative, or SAVI program, to identify cost-effective and efficiency measures in agency programs and operations that result in cost savings for the state. All state agencies, including Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, may participate in this program.
We will continue to keep you updated with the legislative activity surrounding the higher education finance bill and other legislation as it relates to the system.
Attached please find the bill introductions from the 2011 regular session that affect the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system. A final document with the status of each bill will be sent out in the next few weeks.
The 2012 legislative session is scheduled to begin Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at noon.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Final day of session; Will a compromise be reached?
Today is the last day of the regular legislative session and both the House and Senate are expected to go into session at 10:00 a.m. While Gov. Dayton and Republican leadership met over the weekend to try and reach an agreement on the budget, they are still at odds over revenue.
Gov. Dayton said the budget cuts proposed in the spending bills are too drastic, while Republicans have said this is the wrong time to raise taxes and it's time for the state to live within its means. Neither side is budging at this point. If an agreement cannot be reached by tonight, there will be a special session to set the budget. As a reminder, only the governor can call a special session.
Many legislators have introduced legislation over the last few days that will keep certain services running in the event of a government shutdown. A government shutdown is only necessary if lawmakers and the governor cannot come to an agreement by July 1 (the start of the 2012 fiscal year). Meanwhile, Dayton continues to talk with the committee chairs to discuss individual budget bills, including the higher education bill. Stay tuned.
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Monday, May 23, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
House and Senate to meet; Negotiations continue
The House goes back into session today at 10 a.m. and the Senate goes in at 11. The Senate State Government Innovation and Veterans committee is taking up the omnibus retirement bill today at 1 p.m. or at the call of the chair in room 123 of the Capitol.
On the House floor last night, Republicans tried to pass a bonding bill focused on flood relief but were not able to get the 81 votes (super majority) needed to pass a bill. It failed by a vote of 76-57. The Democrats who voted against the bill said it was because it did not spend enough. Author of the bill, Rep. Larry Howes, R-Walker, said Democrats decided to "roll the dice" and hope for more in a bonding bill if forced into a special session. Howes said he's willing to work on a bonding bill but said it can't be as large as Gov. Dayton's proposal of $1 billion.
A conference committee has been appointed to work through the differences in the senior citizen tuition reduction bill, HF 821. The Senate bill reduces the age from 66 to 64, while the House bill reduces the age to 62. The Senate bill also includes an exemption of senior citizen students in farm business management programs in the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. House conferees include: Rep. Bud Nornes, R-Fergus Falls; Rep. Bob Dettmer, R-Forest Lake; and Rep. Kurt Daudt, R-Crown. Senate conferees include: Sen. Michelle Fischbach, R-Paynesville; Sen. Claire Robling, R-Jordan; and Sen. David Brown, R-Becker.
Legislative leaders and Gov. Dayton continue to negotiate today. Stay tuned.
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Saturday, May 21, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Budget talks continue; Negotiations in works?
With only four days remaining, there is still no global budget agreement; however, don't count them out yet. Four days is a long time in the legislative world. Both bodies have passed all 10 budget bills now and have sent them to Gov. Dayton. The Senate took up the higher education conference report on the floor yesterday evening and passed it by a vote of 35-31. The bill now heads to the governor's desk with the others.
Gov. Dayton met with the House and Senate Republican caucuses yesterday afternoon and said he understands that they believe very strongly in their perspective. He also said he believes strongly in his, but is hopeful they can find a way to resolve this. Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch, R-Buffalo, said she appreciates the governor's time, and said she thinks it was a very constructive meeting. Koch said the most striking element of the meeting was when many members shared their stories about what the budget means to them personally. Koch said Sen. Michelle Benson, R-Ham Lake, shared what's been happening in her family, and told the governor the choice becomes clear for government to live within their means when families have to live within their means. House Speaker Kurt Zellers, R-Maple Grove, said they had a great discussion with the governor, and said some Republican members shared their perspectives as small business owners. Zellers said they agreed that the Legislature should adjourn on time with a balanced budget.
On the Senate floor yesterday, members adopted a resolution that sets the start date for the 2012 session for Jan. 24, 2012 at noon.
There have not been many bill introductions this week, but yesterday Sen. Sandy Pappas, DFL-St. Paul, introduced SF 1447, and Rep. Carlos Mariani, DFL-St. Paul, introduced the companion bill, HF 1734. This bill specifies a higher education attainment goal that by 2020 at least 75 percent of state residents at age 25 will have attained a postsecondary degree or certificate. Language in the bill requires the Office of Higher Education and the Governor's Workforce Development Council to develop recommendations to achieve that goal. The bill can be found here.
Rep. Terry Morrow, DFL-St. Peter, introduced HF 1736, a bill that establishes a Minnesota HOPE awards to provide financial aid to income-eligible students who meet academic achievement goals. The bill can be found here.
The House goes into session today at 9:00 a.m. and the Senate goes in at 10:00 a.m. Watch for continued updates in the coming days.
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Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Budget bills pass; Vetoes expected
The Senate debated the state government conference report for almost five hours yesterday on the floor before passing it by a vote of 37-29. Democratic members delivered passionate speeches on the floor about the value of state employees given the reductions in the bill that affect state employees. The House also took up the state government bill and passed it 70-62. There was discussion on the floor about the provision in the bill that attempts to save $90 million in the state employees group insurance program, or SEGIP. Rep. Ryan Winkler, DFL-Golden Valley, said the cost to state employees would be unfair. "This bill insults them and undermines the confidence and the trust that we have placed in them," Winkler said. The bill is now on its way to the governor.
The Senate also passed the K-12 Education bill, the Health and Human Services bill and the photo ID voter bill. The House also passed the Jobs and Economic Development bill, Transportation and Public Safety bills. Gov. Dayton said yesterday that he will reject the conference reports the House and Senate have been taking up the last 24 hours and will send them back. Dayton is expected to address a joint session of the Republican caucuses today at 1:15 p.m. Expect Dayton and legislative leaders to address the media following the governor's address.
The Senate goes into session today at noon and the House goes in at 3:00 p.m. While the House passed the higher education conference report overnight Tuesday, the Senate has not yet taken it up. They are expected to today. The schedule for the remaining days of the regular session will be fluid, so continue to watch for future updates.
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Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Conference committee reports moved; Governor's plan voted down
Yesterday at the Capitol
There is movement at the Capitol. Higher education finance bill conferees signed the conference report and posted both versions, signed and unsigned. The House took up the bill last night and passed it by a vote of 69-57. The Senate is expected to take it up today. Here is a link to the signed conference report:
HF1101A: Omnibus higher education finance bill (signed)
The House also passed the Tax conference report and the K-12 Education conference report last night. The Senate passed the Judiciary and Public Safety conference reports yesterday.
All the conference reports (signed and unsigned) can be found here.
The state government conference committee wrapped up their bill yesterday morning after a number of amendments. Prior to adjourning the meeting, Sen Mike Parry, R-Waseca, said he's happy everyone worked together so well, but said he's disappointed because he believes Gov. Dayton had an opportunity to lead, but failed. Here is the link to the final report.
The state government finance bill is currently being taken up on the Senate floor and Sen. Parry is explaining the bill. The House is expected to take it up today.
Also on the House floor yesterday, members took up Gov. Dayton's "minority report" bill and after many hours of debate, did not accept the bill by a vote of 73-60. This bill is the governor's position on the budget. Republicans stood strong on no new revenue, while Democrats talked about Dayton's proposal as fair for all Minnesotans.
Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch, R-Buffalo, and House Speaker Kurt Zellers, R-Maple Grove, sent Gov. Mark Dayton a letter yesterday following-up on an agreement for commissioners to negotiate with conference committee chairs. Stay tuned.
Today at the Capitol
7:00 AM
House Ways and Means
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mary Liz Holberg
Agenda: HF959 (Howes) Coon Rapids; flood hazard mitigation and renovation funding provided for the Coon Rapids dam, state bond provision changes made, prior appropriations modified, bond sale authorizations reduced, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1024 (Stensrud) Deputy commissioner numbers reduced and assistant commissioner position eliminated in the unclassified service.
HF1104 (Howes) Appropriations canceled, and corresponding bond sale authorizations reduced.
HF1232 (Howes) Central Corridor Light Rail Transit project terms and conditions modified, appropriations canceled and corresponding bond sale authorizations reduced, and general fund debt service savings required.
SF680 (Woodard) "Criminal act" definition expanded in the racketeering crime.
The language of HF1001 First Engrossment will be offered as a delete everything amendment to SF680 .
Budget Resolution Amendment
8:00 AM
Senate in session
At the call of the chair
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Claire Robling
S.F. 1428-Langseth: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) federal disaster assistance match appropriation.
S.F. 1340-Carlson, J.: Minnesota Accountable Government Innovation and Collaboration (MAGIC) Act; counties general welfare provisions authorization.
H.F. 576-Olson, G.: School districts state-aid payments reduction prior to short-term borrowing for cash flow needs repeal.
S.F. 986-Senjem: Bond sale authorization delay and appropriation reduction; state debt refunding requirement.
3:00 PM
House in Session
Posted by
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Governor Dayton asks lawmakers to meet in middle; Leadership not so keen
Yesterday at the Capitol
Gov. Dayton held a press conference yesterday morning to discuss the offer he made to legislative leadership to "meet them halfway" on the remaining $3.6 billion budget deficit after the agreed-upon postponement of the shift in school aid payments. Dayton offered $1.8 billion in spending cuts and $1.8 billion additional tax revenues, which is a drop from his original proposal of $3.356 billion in new tax revenues.
Republican leaders held a press conference later in the afternoon where Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch, R-Buffalo, said they stand against any tax increase and intend to "hold the line on spending." Koch said they cannot compromise on any new revenue. House Speaker Kurt Zellers, R-Maple Grove, said Minnesota cannot be an outlier with other states spending within their means. When asked if they have a counter proposal to the governor's proposal, Koch responded that it is posted online, meaning the conference committee reports. The conference reports can be found here.
When a reporter asked given the uncertainty about when the governor will weigh in on the budget bills, when will they move on them, Koch said they will have a balanced budget that passes the Legislature before May 23. Koch said they will continue to negotiate with the governor, "We will keep our phones on, doors open and reach out to the governor." She did say however that eventually they will have to close up the budget bills. Zellers said, "We're here, we're ready to negotiate, and we want to end the session on time."
Expect multiple press conferences by both Gov. Dayton and Republican leadership throughout the week. Both sides are expected to meet again this morning.
Also note, the state government conference committee did not meet last night as originally scheduled, but are meeting this morning at 8:30. The meeting is televised.
Today at the Capitol
8:30 AM *Televised*
Conference Committee on SF 1047: State government omnibus bill
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chairs: Rep. Morrie Lanning and Sen. Mike Parry
Agenda: SF 1047 state government omnibus bill
10:30 AM
Senate in Session
11:00 AM
House in Session
3:00 PM
Conference Committee on S.F. 1030: K-12 Education omnibus bill
Room: 107 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Gen Olson and Rep. Pat Garofalo
SENATE: Olson; Nelson; Thompson; Kruse; Wolf
HOUSE: Garofalo; Kelly; Doepke; Fabian; Erickson
Agenda: S.F. 1030-Olson, G.: Omnibus early childhood through grade 12 education policy provisions modifications and appropriations.
4:00 PM (or at the call of the chair)
Conference Committee on HF 1326: Omnibus liquor bill
Chair: Rep. Joe Hoppe
Agenda: HF1326 - Brewer taproom licenses authorized, bed and breakfasts allowed to serve Minnesota beer, clarifying, technical, and other changes made to license provisions, and on-sale and off-sale license issuance authorized
Posted by
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Final countdown to session end; Schedules posted
Exactly one week from today, the Legislature is required to adjourn according to the constitution (the first Monday after the third Saturday in May for you trivia buffs). The House and Senate met in floor sessions Saturday and took up multiple bills off the general calendar. Conference committees also worked over the weekend and crafted draft budget bills. Conferees have not signed the reports, which means they cannot be taken up on the floor for a vote. This leaves them open for negotiations with Gov. Dayton. Dayton has said he would veto the bills in their current state, so there is some work to be done.
On Saturday the state government conference report was posted and can be found here.
The spreadsheet for the bill can be found here.
Today at the Capitol
8:00 AM
House Ways and Means
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mary Liz Holberg
HF211 (Wardlow) Liability limits modified for tort claims against the state and political subdivisions, conciliation court claims regulated, right of appeal provided on class action orders, statute of limitations on claims modified, prejudgment interest modified, attorney fees regulated, and cause of action for sex trafficking violations provided.
HF637 (Drazkowski) Food, beverage, and lodging establishment statutes exemption modified.
HF705 (Crawford) Counties permitted to perform private audits that meet state auditor requirements, publication and reporting requirements eliminated, surplus law library funds provided, county clerk hiring requirements repealed, seed and feed loan provisions repealed, Ramsey County Community Corrections Department duties provided, and clarifying and technical changes made.
HF1025 (Beard) Energy provisions modified relating to energy rates, energy conservation and savings programs, utility cost recovery and investments, qualifying facilities and non generating utilities, energy-related rate impacts, large energy customers, cold weather notices to energy consumers, hydropower, an innovative energy project, transmission lines, Public Utilities Commission approval for security issuance by utilities, assessments, establishment of Energy Reliability and Intervention Office, the Energy Conservation Information Center and residential weatherization programs, and membership in Melrose Public Utilities Commission.
HF1068 (Beard) Transportation and public safety policies governing provisions provided including data practices, bicycles and bikeways and bridges, transportation construction contracts, motor vehicles, traffic regulations, driver licensing and training, alternative financing for transportation projects, railroads, motor carriers and commercial drivers, and agency reporting, establishing fees and an account, pilot program expanded, seaplane base variance provided, provisions repealed, technical changes made, and money appropriated.
HF1423 (Gottwalt) Adoption assistance reform, child protection, child support, and technical and conforming amendments provided.
HF191 (Downey) Redundant Technology Elimination Act proposed, state agency information technology systems and services consolidated, Office of Enterprise Technology duties transferred, and money appropriated.
HF1261 (Holberg) Metropolitan area transit and paratransit capital expenditure additional financing provided, and certain obligations issued.
SF346 / HF554 the language of HF554 (Johnson) will be offered as a delete-everything amendment to SF346 .
HF 1611 (Hamilton) Agriculture programs, requirements, fees, and duties changed, and money appropriated.
10:30 AM
Senate in Session
12:00 PM
House in Session
1:00 PM
House Government Operations and Elections
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Joyce Peppin
Agenda: HF1647 (Lanning) 2011 Omnibus Retirement Bill
At the call of the Chair
Conference Committee on S.F. 887: Omnibus jobs and economic development bill
Room: 112 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Geoff Michel and Rep. Bob Gunther
SENATE: Michel; Pederson; Miller; Daley; Lillie
HOUSE: Gunther; Hoppe; McFarlane; Sanders; Kieffer
Agenda: S.F. 887-Michel: Omnibus jobs and economic growth and development appropriations
6:00 PM
Conference Committee on S.F. 1047: Omnibus state government bill
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chairs: Sen. Mike Parry and Rep. Morrie Lanning
SENATE: Parry; Gazelka; Thompson; Daley; Vandeveer
HOUSE: Lanning; Downey; Benson; Stensrud; Anderson
Agenda: S.F. 1047-Parry: Omnibus state government, military affairs and veterans affairs appropriations; Minnesota Sunset Act.
Posted by
Monday, May 16, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Higher education committee finalizes bill; Mankato students walk 90 miles to capitol
Yesterday at the Capitol
Conferees wrapped up the higher education finance bill last night. The cut for the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system ended up at $130 million over the 2012-2013 biennium from the fiscal year 2011 base doubled. (If you look at the numbers from the FY2012-2013 forecasted base, it is a $180 million cut over the biennium). The total appropriation for the system each year is $540.5 million, down from the fiscal year 2011 budget of $605 million.
The House language that provided for a 1 percent performance set aside was included and will be made available based on achievement of 3 of 5 goals. Those goals include; (1) increase by at least seven percent, compared to fiscal year 2009, graduates or degrees, diplomas and certificates conferred; (2) increase by at least ten percent, compared to fiscal year 2010, the number of students of color; (3) increase by at least fifteen percent, compared to fiscal year 2010, the full year equivalent enrollment of students taking online or blended courses or the number of online and blended sections; (4) increase by at least one percent the fall 2011 persistence and completion rate for fall 2010 entering students compared to the fall 2010 rate for fall 2009 entering students; and (5) decrease by at least two percent, compared to calendar year 2009, total energy per square foot.
The House language was adopted that requires the Board of Trustees to place the highest priority on meeting the needs of employers for a skilled workforce when making reductions, approving programs of study and course offerings.
The bill also caps tuition 5 percent in the first year and 4 percent in the second year for the universities, and 3 percent each year of the biennium for the colleges. Regarding tuition and fees, language was included in the bill that reads; "The Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities must limit the rate of increase for any mandatory fee charged to a student at a university or college to four percent per year in the biennium ending June 30, 2013, unless a higher increase is approved by a public majority vote by the recognized campus student association." Mandatory fees are those that are generally charged to all students at a college or university.
Also adopted was the House language regarding the undergraduate tuition guarantee plan that encourages the Board of Trustees to offer entering students a plan providing stable tuition for two-years or four-years.
The language on credit transfer was amended and adopted that reads; "When providing the report required by Laws 2010, chapter 364, section 38, the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities shall provide the information about progress made toward achieving the goals described in the system's Smart Transfer Plan, and shall provide information about the number of students transferring between and among the system's two- and four-year institutions during the previous fiscal year. In addition, the Board of Trustees shall include a system study of mechanisms for effective transfer in other states."
Conferees did put more money into the state grant program to partially fund the state grant projected deficit for 2012-2013. The program will see an additional $21.1 million over the biennium. This is a $6 million decrease from the House position and a $14 million increase from the Senate position.
And finally, the House repealers were adopted. Those include; the requirement for public institutions to sell American-made clothing and apparel in their bookstores to the extent possible; the requirement that public employers purchase or require employees to furnish uniform or protective accessories that are made in America; the matching state grant program that is part of the Minnesota College Savings plan; and the requirement to provide one-time Achieve grants to students who were eligible before Jan. 1, 2009 and have not yet been awarded the grant.
Provisions not adopted include the language regarding transformation initiatives; the caps on the chancellor and presidents salaries; the allocation of any system salary savings to be used to mitigate tuition increases or allocated under the Board's allocation model; and the provision that requires the system to do a comprehensive evaluation of the system's structure and report back to the Legislature.
State government finance conferees also wrapped up yesterday with a tentative agreement. The draft of the conference report is expected to be released today. The overall cut to state government operations is 34 percent. Co-author of the bill, Rep. Morrie Lanning, R-Moorhead, said conferees will not sign the report right away, but instead will discuss it with Gov. Dayton and his administration. Lanning said they may need to meet one more time next week, but expect the report to be taken up on the House floor mid-week. Since the Senate bill included more cuts than the House, the final report resembles the House bill. One of the provisions adopted includes the requirement for agencies, including the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, to use zero-based budgeting when asking the Legislature for state appropriation. Regarding the state employee health insurance premium increase in the Senate bill that was not included in the House bill, conferees agreed to modify the provision to only partially shift insurance costs. Once the report is available, we will provide the link for your review.
And also yesterday, nine Minnesota State University, Mankato students arrived at the State Capitol and were greeted by Gov. Mark Dayton and a number of legislators, including House Higher Education Policy and Finance Chair Bud Nornes, R-Fergus Falls. Their walk from Mankato to St. Paul marked the second year in which students walked to protest higher education appropriation cuts.
Today at the Capitol
8:00 AM
House Ways and Means
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mary Liz Holberg
HF104 (Smith) Department of corrections claim settlements provided, and money appropriated.
HF556 (Smith) Juvenile prostitutes in need of protection or services provisions amended, sexually exploited youth defined, prostitution crime penalty assessments increased, and distribution of the assessment amended; prostitution laws provisions clarified and recodified, and definitions modified; money appropriated to the commissioner of public safety to develop a statewide victim services model.
HF988 (Smith) Public defender representation provision modified.
HF1068 (Beard) Transportation and public safety policies governing provisions provided including data practices, bicycles and bikeways and bridges, transportation construction contracts, motor vehicles, traffic regulations, driver licensing and training, alternative financing for transportation projects, railroads, motor carriers and commercial drivers, and agency reporting, establishing fees and an account, pilot program expanded, seaplane base variance provided, provisions repealed, technical changes made, and money appropriated.
HF1478 (Kiffmeyer) Minnesota sex offender program provisions modified
HF 211 (Wardlow) Liability limits modified for tort claims against the state and political subdivisions, conciliation court claims regulated, right of appeal provided on class action orders, statute of limitations on claims modified, prejudgment interest modified, attorney fees regulated, and cause of action for sex trafficking violations provided.
9:30 AM
Senate in Session
10:30 AM
House in Session
12:00 PM
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Room: TBA
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
Final action on proposed legislation laid over for possible inclusion in the 2011 Omnibus Retirement Bill.
Meeting materials:
Delete all amendment H1647-5A
Summary of H1647-5A
4:00 PM
Conference Committee on S.F. 170
Room: 318 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Theodore Daley and Rep. Andrea Kieffer
SENATE: Daley; Wiger; DeKruif
HOUSE: Kieffer; Erickson; Kath
Agenda: S.F. 170-Daley: Teacher candidates basic skills exam pass requirement.
At the call of the chair
Senate Finance
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Claire A. Robling
S.F. 1002-Ingebrigtsen: Trout and salmon stamp sales revenue management account appropriation to natural resources department (DNR).
S.F. 1357-Hoffman: Defense of Dwelling and Person Act of 2011; firearms regulation provisions modifications.
S.F. 907-Nelson: State building efficiency, fleet management improvements, and Medicaid and tax fraud prevention and detection consulting services contracts for improvements to state-operated systems and services requirements.
S.F. 849-Carlson, J.: State employee group insurance program (SEGIP) retired employee termination notice requirement and coverage reinstatement procedure.
Looking Ahead
Saturday, May 14
10:00 AM
Senate in Session
1:00 PM
House in Session
Posted by
Friday, May 13, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Capital investment committee considers bonding; Education bill moves; Budget negotiations continue
Yesterday at the Capitol
The House Capital Investment committee met yesterday and after working through a flurry of amendments, passed HF 959, which provides bond authorization for $28 million for flood hazard mitigation. The bill also reduces authorization for several prior year projects where money has not yet been spent. The bill heads next to the Ways and Means committee. Committee Chair Larry Howes, R-Walker, said that this hearing may be the last committee meeting of the session, but did say he hopes there is a bonding bill that follows this one.
E-12 education conferees reached a tentative agreement last night on the education bill, now pending negotiations with Gov. Dayton's administration. This is a big step forward in the process since E-12 education is one of the bigger pieces of the overall budget, representing approximately 40 percent.
With just under two weeks remaining in the legislative session, we can expect regular press conferences by both sides as they try to position themselves. Gov. Dayton said yesterday morning that he expects budget talks with Republican legislative leaders to pick up in the coming days, and that his breakfast meeting with leaders was "constructive." He said he's ready to compromise, but is waiting for one position on the spending bills. Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch, R-Buffalo, said yesterday that legislative leaders are making progress with the governor.
Today at the Capitol
In Congress:
At 9:00 a.m. today the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training is holding a hearing: "Removing Inefficiencies in the Nation's Job Training Programs." You can watch the hearing live here.
Overview: The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently identified 47 separate employment and training programs administered across nine federal agencies. These programs cost taxpayers an estimated $18 billion in fiscal year 2009. As we work to foster a stable economic recovery, Congress must take steps to streamline federal spending and restore fiscal discipline in Washington. Consolidation and improved coordination among workforce development programs would reduce wasteful government spending while strengthening programs designed to encourage a stronger, more competitive American workforce. Today's hearing will allow members an opportunity to examine ways we can modernize federal job training programs while saving taxpayer dollars.
The higher education conference committee meets this evening at 6:00 p.m. (see details below).
8:00 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Claire A. Robling
S.F. 1319-Daley: Veterans homes special revenue account provision modification.
S.F. 1320-Daley: Veterans homes work therapy programs profits use authority.
S.F. 1321-Daley: Veterans affairs commissioner federal funds acceptance authorization.
S.F. 943-Ingebrigtsen: Miscellaneous aquaculture, game and fish, hunting, elk crop damage, fish and wildlife management plans, invasive species, natural resources department (DNR) provisions modifications.
S.F. 389-Gazelka: No-fault automobile insurance basic economic loss benefits modifications.
S.F. 1199-Pederson: Prevailing wage provisions modifications.
9:00 AM
House in Session
10:30 AM
Senate in Session
12:00 PM (or at the call of the chair)
House Ways and Means
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mary Liz Holberg
HF611 (Gunther) Small business loan guarantee program created.
HF808 (Anderson) Anatomical gift $2 donation provided for public information and education, anatomical gift account created, and money appropriated.
HF1088 (Drazkowski) State agency natural disaster response provisions modified.
HF1270 (McDonald) E-charging expanded to include citations, juvenile adjudication, and implied test refusal or failure.
HF1170 (Gunther) Worker classification regulation, penalties, and fees modified.
HF1023 (Smith) Courts, juvenile delinquency proceedings, child support calculations, protective orders, wills and trusts, property interests, protected persons and wards, receiverships, assignements for the benefit of creditors, and notice regarding civil rights provisions modified.
HF1063 (Murray) Counties permitted to perform private audit meeting standards of state auditor.
HF1396 (Gunther) Unemployment insurance and workforce development provisions modified.
HF1061 (Urdahl) Outdoor heritage fund, clean water fund, parks and trails fund, and arts and cultural heritage fund funding provided; outdoor heritage provisions modified; accounts established; Clean Water Legacy Act modified; Clean Water Council membership and duties revised; State Capitol Preservation Commission established; appointments provided; and reporting and other requirements established for legacy fund recipients.
3:00 PM (or 15 minutes after session)
Senate Capital Investment
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. David H. Senjem
Agenda: To be announced
6:00 PM
Conference Committee on Higher Education Omnibus Bill
Room: 300N State Office Building
Chairs: Rep. Bud Nornes and Sen. Michelle Fischbach
Agenda: HF1101*/SF924 (Nornes/Fischbach) Omnibus higher education finance bill
6:30 PM
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
H.F. 409 (Poppe); S.F. xxxx: IRAP/TRA; MnSCU employee retirement coverage specified, and employer required to provide certain notices.
H.F. 1354 (Lesch); S.F. 1088 (Pappas): SPTRFA; Postretirement adjustment procedures revised, refund interest rate reduced, interest payments on reemployed annuitant savings accounts terminated, and deferred annuity augmentation rate lowered.
H.F. 1628 (Murphy, M.); S.F. xxxx: DTRFA; Definition for vesting added, and leave of absence, retirement, survivor, and disability benefits eligibility modified.
H.F. 1668 (Murphy, M.); S.F. xxxx: PERA; Duluth and Duluth Airport Authority optional correction of erroneous employee deductions and employer contributions.
H.F. 1528 (Morrow); S.F. 1277 (Sheran): MSRS; Increased annuity for survivors of DOT employee killed while engaged in emergency response to flooding.
H.F. 1647 (Lanning); S.F. 1369 (Rosen): Major plans; Statutory salary scale and payroll growth actuarial assumptions revisions
Looking Ahead
At this time, there are no higher education related committee hearings scheduled beyond today, Wednesday, May 11. Given the fluid nature of session, this will change. Stay tuned.
Posted by
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
State government discusses salary freeze; House passes education policy bill; Schedules posted
Yesterday at the Capitol
In the state government conference committee yesterday morning, there was much discussion regarding the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system's state employees. Russ Stanton with the Inter Faculty Organization, testified that the IFO supports the House language that exempts the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system faculty and administrators from the salary freeze. Stanton said the system has already taken reductions, and the current higher education bill includes more cuts. He said it's no surprise the IFO doesn't like salary freezes; they prevent things like early retirements, competitiveness and recruiting.
Minnesota Management and Budget Commissioner Jim Schowalter said he appreciates the interest in the competitiveness for the employees in the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, but would hope the rest of state government would be exempt from a salary freeze as well. Schowlater said he understands the budget situation but a salary freeze puts the state at a competitive disadvantage and will not get Minnesota where leaders are looking to go as a state. Schowalter said, "We need to develop a trained and skillful workforce," and asked conferees to look at the policy from a workforce point of view as well. He said the language doesn't provide for any flexibility.
Richard Kolodziejski with MAPE said the state government bill takes away the right for the union to collectively bargain. He said a salary reduction is unnecessary, because the Legislature can change things that have been collectively bargained through the current process. "We believe you can take action through measures already in place rather than infringe on the union's rights through this legislation," Kolodziejski said.
Rep. Mike Benson, R-Rochester, said the House bill excludes the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system in three different provisions, and asked his fellow conferees to consider the House language in all the provisions that exclude the system. Benson said the system has already made reductions which have had an impact. Rep. Keith Downey, R-Edina, echoed Benson's comments, and added that the system has done good work already in the area of cuts and restructuring.
When Senate conferees asked why the House exempted Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system administrators and faculty, Rep. Benson responded that he sits on the higher education committee and heard the commitment the system has on trimming the budget. He said the system has done a good job of managing costs and has already demonstrated the ability to look at the efficiencies needed to bring costs down. Chair Lanning said the Legislature should treat the system the same way they treat the University of Minnesota. In reinforcing the House position regarding the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, Rep. Downey said the Office of the Chancellor has undergone a lot of scrutiny already in regards to the system's back office functions. Downey said the Office of the Legislative Auditor recommended a couple "tweaks" last year, but overall the system functions well.
Conferees did amend the House language to provide for both sides of the bill that the salary freeze provision supercedes any other law that otherwise might be construed to offer an increase prohibited by the salary freeze section. Existing contracts cannot remain in effect after July 1, 2011.
Another provision adopted was the provision that requires the state, including the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, to use zero-based budgeting. The process requires detailed budgets presented to the Legislature to include three alternative funding levels or alternative ways of performing each activity, a summary of priorities that would be accomplished within each level compared to a zero budget, and the additional increments of value that would be added by higher funding levels.
The committee recessed until later in the evening, when they came back and took action on other language items with substantive differences. Conferees adopted language that excludes the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities faculty and administrators from the salary freeze.
Chair Lanning said at the morning's conference committee that he appreciated the discussion rather than the heated discussion conferees and the Dayton administration had on Friday. He said he hopes to get the language ironed out while the governor and legislative leaders negotiate a target. The state government conference committee is scheduled to meet again today at 5:00 p.m. and take up the non-comparable provisions, which is attached for your reference.
Also yesterday, the full House took up the K-12 education policy bill and passed it by a vote of 74-55. One of the provisions in the bill is a requirement for data in the "Getting Prepared" report that the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities prepares. The data would include information regarding whether students who enroll in college are prepared and whether they have special education backgrounds. Rep. Terry Morrow, DFL-St. Peter, tried unsuccessfully to send the bill to the Higher Education Policy and Finance committee because Morrow said higher education should be able to weigh in on spending money in a time of cuts to higher education. Also the provision that would require teacher candidates to pass a basic skills exam in reading, writing and math before being licensed is included in this bill. Recall this provision passed as a separate bill off the House floor last week. The Senate took up that separate bill, SF 170, yesterday, where they did not concur with the House and a conference committee will be appointed.
**Please note the higher education conference committee is scheduled to meet tomorrow (Wednesday) at 6:00 p.m.
Today at the Capitol
10:15 AM
House Capital Investment
Room: 500 N State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Larry Howes
Agenda: HF959 (Howes) Flood hazard mitigation grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
10:30 AM
Senate in Session
2:00 PM
House in Session
4:00 PM
Conference Committee on HF934: K-12 education omnibus bill
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chairs: Rep. Pat Garofalo, Senator Gen Olson
Agenda: HF934: K-12 Education bill
4:00 PM
Conference Committee on SF887: Omnibus jobs and economic development
Room: 107 State Capitol
Chairs: Rep. Bob Gunther, Sen. Geoff Michel
Agenda: SF887 Omnibus jobs and economic growth and development appropriations
Completion of testimony from DEED.
Testimony from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency.
5:00 PM
Conference Committee HF577/SF1047: Omnibus state government finance bill
Room: Capitol TBA
Chairs: Sen. Parry and Rep. Lanning
SENATE CONFEREES: Parry, Daley, Gazelka, Thompson, and Vandeveer
HOUSE CONFEREES: Lanning, Bruce Anderson, Mike Benson, Downey, and Stensrud
Agenda: Please see the attached document, "No Comparable Provisions."
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, May 11
8:00 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Claire A. Robling
S.F. 1319-Daley: Veterans homes special revenue account provision modification.
S.F. 1320-Daley: Veterans homes work therapy programs profits use authority.
S.F. 1321-Daley: Veterans affairs commissioner federal funds acceptance authorization.
S.F. 943-Ingebrigtsen: Miscellaneous aquaculture, game and fish, hunting, elk crop damage, fish and wildlife management plans, invasive species, natural resources department (DNR) provisions modifications.
S.F. 389-Gazelka: No-fault automobile insurance basic economic loss benefits modifications.
S.F. 1199-Pederson: Prevailing wage provisions modifications.
3:00 PM (or 15 minutes after session)
Senate Capital Investment
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. David H. Senjem
Agenda: To be announced
6:00 PM
Conference Committee on Higher Education Omnibus Bill
Room: 300N State Office Building
Chairs: Rep. Bud Nornes and Sen. Michelle Fischbach
Agenda: HF1101*/SF924 (Nornes/Fischbach) Omnibus higher education finance bill
6:30 PM
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
H.F. 409 (Poppe); S.F. xxxx: IRAP/TRA; MnSCU employee retirement coverage specified, and employer required to provide certain notices.
H.F. 1354 (Lesch); S.F. 1088 (Pappas): SPTRFA; Postretirement adjustment procedures revised, refund interest rate reduced, interest payments on reemployed annuitant savings accounts terminated, and deferred annuity augmentation rate lowered.
H.F. 1628 (Murphy, M.); S.F. xxxx: DTRFA; Definition for vesting added, and leave of absence, retirement, survivor, and disability benefits eligibility modified.
H.F. 1668 (Murphy, M.); S.F. xxxx: PERA; Duluth and Duluth Airport Authority optional correction of erroneous employee deductions and employer contributions.
H.F. 1528 (Morrow); S.F. 1277 (Sheran): MSRS; Increased annuity for survivors of DOT employee killed while engaged in emergency response to flooding.
H.F. 1647 (Lanning); S.F. 1369 (Rosen): Major plans; Statutory salary scale and payroll growth actuarial assumptions revisions
Posted by
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Final weeks of session; Schedules posted
The constitutional adjournment date is just two weeks from today, so quite a bit of conference committee activity is expected this week this week. A higher education conference committee has not been announced yet, so stay tuned.
Today at the Capitol
8:30 AM
Conference committee on SF1047: Omnibus state government finance bill
Room: 112 Capitol
Chairs: Rep. Lanning and Sen. Parry
HOUSE CONFEREES: Lanning, Anderson, Benson, Downey, Stensrud
SENATE CONFEREES: Parry, Daley, Gazelka, Thompson, Vandeveer
Agenda: Address provisions with substantive differences.
8:30 AM
Conference Committee on S.F. 887: Omnibus jobs and economic development
Room: 107 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Geoff Michel and Rep. Bob Gunther
SENATE: Michel; Pederson; Miller; Daley; Lillie
HOUSE: Gunther; Hoppe; McFarlane; Sanders; Kieffer
S.F. 887-Michel: Omnibus jobs and economic growth and development appropriations.
8:30 AM
Conference Committee on H.F. 42: Omnibus tax bill
Room: 15 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Julianne E. Ortman and Rep. Greg Davids
SENATE: Ortman; Rosen; Senjem; Chamberlain; Limmer
HOUSE: Davids; Lenczewski; Runbeck; Anderson; Loon
Agenda: H.F. 42-Ortman: Omnibus tax bill.
9:00 AM
Conference Committee on S.F. 1030: K-12 education
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chairs: Sen. Gen Olson and Rep. Pat Garofalo
SENATE: Olson; Nelson; Thompson; Kruse; Wolf
HOUSE: Garofalo; Kelly; Doepke; Fabian; Erickson
Agenda: S.F. 1030-Olson, G.: Omnibus early childhood through grade 12 education policy provisions modifications and appropriations.
10:30 AM
Senate in Session
30 minutes after session
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Claire A. Robling
S.F. 54-Jungbauer: Claims against the state appropriation.
S.F. 288-Howe: Dental laboratories regulations.
S.F. 1244-Dahms: Wetland conservation act provisions modifications; state environmental permit coordination and management requirements; environmental review procedures modifications; consumptive use of water permit authority.
S.F. 920-Gimse: Miscellaneous transportation and highway provisions modifications.
S.F. 918-Gerlach: Microdistilleries and various liquor licenses authorization.
S.F. 1363-Ingebrigtsen: Outdoor heritage fund, clean water fund, parks and trails fund, arts and cultural heritage fund appropriations and provisions modifications; outdoor heritage provisions modifications; Clean Water Legacy Act and clean water council provisions modifications.
3:00 PM
House in Session
HF1097 (McNamara) Omnibus environment and natural resources policy bill
6:00 PM (or at the call of the chair)
House Ways and Means
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mary Liz Holberg
HF174 (Peppin) Department of Revenue required to issue a request for proposals for a tax analytics and business intelligence contract.
HF650 (Kieffer) Driver education and examination provisions regulated relating to carbon monoxide poisoning, and technical changes made.
HF984 (Hackbarth) Game and fish; aquaculture provisions modified; compensation and assistance provisions for crop damage by elk modified; fish and wildlife management plan requirements modified; taking, possessing, and transporting wild animal provisions modified; acquisition procedures modified; penalty and license provisions modified; Board of Water and Soil Resources duties modified; and landowner liability for state walk-in access program limited.
HF1362 (Kieffer) Workers' Compensation Advisory Council recommendations adopted, and duties, benefits, and requirements changed, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.
SF67 (Nornes) Waterfront structure transportation on trunk highways authorized with annual special permits.
Looking Ahead
Tuesday, May 10
10:15 AM
House Capital Investment
Room: 500 N State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Larry Howes
Agenda: HF959 (Howes) Flood hazard mitigation grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Wednesday, May 11
3:00 PM (or 15 minutes after session)
Senate Capital Investment
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. David H. Senjem
Agenda: To be announced
6:30 PM
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
H.F. 409 (Poppe); S.F. xxxx: IRAP/TRA; MnSCU employee retirement coverage specified, and employer required to provide certain notices.
H.F. 1354 (Lesch); S.F. 1088 (Pappas): SPTRFA; Postretirement adjustment procedures revised, refund interest rate reduced, interest payments on reemployed annuitant savings accounts terminated, and deferred annuity augmentation rate lowered.
H.F. 1628 (Murphy, M.); S.F. xxxx: DTRFA; Definition for vesting added, and leave of absence, retirement, survivor, and disability benefits eligibility modified.
H.F. 1668 (Murphy, M.); S.F. xxxx: PERA; Duluth and Duluth Airport Authority optional correction of erroneous employee deductions and employer contributions.
H.F. 1528 (Morrow); S.F. 1277 (Sheran): MSRS; Increased annuity for survivors of DOT employee killed while engaged in emergency response to flooding.
Other Items as Designated by the Commission Chair.
Posted by
Monday, May 09, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Teacher candidates requirements defined; Schedules posted
Yesterday at the Capitol
The House passed SF 170 as amended on the floor yesterday by a vote of 91-39. The bill requires teacher candidates to pass a reading, writing and math basic skills test before being granted an initial teaching license. Rep. Mark Buesgens, R-Jordan, amended the bill to remove the language that requires colleges and universities offering a Board of Teaching approved teacher preparation program to offer remedial assistance to persons who do not pass the basic skills test. Buesgens said in a time of budget cuts to higher education, a costly mandate is not necessary. Rep. Carlos Mariani, DFL-St. Paul, asked for the amendment to be vetted through the committee process to determine the cost and implications before voting on the amendment on the floor. Mariani also said some qualified and good teacher candidates may not be good test-takers and measuring a candidate on one test could be "fairly punitive." The author of the bill, Rep. Andrea Kieffer, R-Woodbury, said lawmakers want to raise the standards for teachers.
Today at the Capitol
9:30 AM
House in Session
10:30 AM
Senate Higher Education
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Michelle L. Fischbach
H.F. 821-Fischbach: Senior citizen higher education program qualifying age modification.
Confirmation hearing: Jacob Englund, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees
11:00 AM
Senate Judiciary and Public Safety
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Warren Limmer
H.F. 562 Limmer Manufactured home parks water and sewer charges and charges by public water suppliers regulation.
S.F. 1236 (Parry) Innocent Successor Asbestos-Related Liability Fairness Act.
S.F. 1239 (Thompson) Criminal forfeiture clarification.
S.F. 1240 (Thompson) Criminal forfeiture provisions modifications.
S.F. 1173 (Benson) Adoption assistance and child welfare provisions modifications.
S.F. 1125 (Thompson) Portable electronics products insurance claims regulation; automated claims processing system authorization.
S.F. 1143 (Ortman) Government data practices and open meeting law technical changes.
S.F. 590 (Gazelka) Insurance data gathering and notification modifications; nonresident insurance appraisers authorization.
S.F. 1287 (Hann) Minnesota sex offender program provisions modifications.
S.F. 1357 Hoffman Defense of Dwelling and Person Act of 2011; firearms regulation provisions modifications
12:30 PM (or 15 Minutes after the last body adjourns)
Conference committee on SF 1047: state government finance
Room: 112 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Mike Parry and Rep. Morrie Lanning
SENATE CONFEREES: Parry; Gazelka; Thompson; Daley; Vandeveer
HOUSE CONFEREES: Lanning; Downey; Benson; Stensrud; Anderson
Agenda: State government finance bill
Meeting Documents:
Language Comparison - No Comparable ProvisionsLanguage Comparison - Provisions with Substantive DifferencesLanguage Comparison - Same and Similar ProvisionsConference Committee Side-By-Side
Omnibus Spreadsheet 041211
Omnibus Change Items 041211
Looking Ahead
Monday, May 9
10:30 AM
Senate in Session
Tuesday, May 10
10:15 AM
House Capital Investment
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Larry Howes
Agenda: HF959 (Howes) Flood hazard mitigation grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Wednesday, May 11
6:30 PM
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
Agenda: TBA
Posted by
Friday, May 06, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Committees process bills; Schedules posted
Yesterday at the Capitol
As committees meet to push through policy bills before the final deadline Friday, conference committees continue to meet. Some of the conference committees are beginning to adopt provisions that are the same or similar between the House and Senate versions, including the state government conference committee. But yesterday Gov. Dayton asked Republican legislative leaders to "pick up the pace" on the budget and the Star Tribune is reporting that Dayton would rather go to a special session than agree to the current legislative budget plan.
Despite the current stalemate with 19 days remaining before adjournment, Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch, R-Buffalo, said she's still optimistic about finishing on time. Koch said the finance chairs have been negotiating with the respective commissioners in Dayton's cabinet. "When we feel comfortable and the governor feels comfortable, then we'd like to get those passed off the floor and get them signed by the governor," Koch said.
With just a little over two weeks remaining, there is some, albeit slight, action relating to bonding. The House Capital Investment committee met yesterday afternoon to discuss flooding, and there was plenty of discussion surrounding what is considered "emergency" projects. Committee Chair Larry Howes, R-Walker, speculated about a likely bonding bill. As for the higher education finance bill, there has been no indiction when the next higher education conference committee will be. We will continue to keep you posted.
Today at the Capitol
8:15 AM
House State Government Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
HF1633 (Norton) Gross profit use clarified
HF545 (Downey) State budget document required to include federal insolvency contingency planning.
HF1485 (Kriesel) Lawful gambling tax rates modified, linked bingo and electronic pull-tabs provided for, and clarifying, conforming, and technical changes made. Testifying:
- King Wilson, Executive Director of Allied Charities of Minnesota
- Gene Lindahl, Morristown American Legion
- Laurie Gluesing, Climb Theatre
- Shawn Donahue, Spring Lake Park Lions
- Mary Perren, Cottage Grove Athletic Association
- HF418 (Downey) Back Office Consolidation Act proposed; and accounting, financial reporting, procurement, fleet services, human resources, and payroll functions centralized in the Department of Administration.
*Note: HF 418 was previously heard in committee and laid over for possible inclusion in omnibus state government finance bill. It will be motioned to Ways and Means Committee during this hearing.
8:15 AM
Conference Committee on H.F. 42: Omnibus tax bill
Room: 15 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Julianne E. Ortman and Rep. Greg Davids
SENATE: Ortman; Rosen; Senjem; Chamberlain; Limmer
HOUSE: Davids; Lenczewski; Runbeck; Anderson; Loon
Agenda: Discussion of Local Option Sales Taxes
8:30 AM
Conference Committee on S.F. 887: Omnibus jobs and economic development bill
Room: 107 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Geoff Michel and Rep. Bob Gunther
SENATE: Michel; Pederson; Miller; Daley; Lillie
HOUSE: Gunther; Hoppe; McFarlane; Sanders; Kieffer
S.F. 887-Michel: Omnibus jobs and economic growth and development appropriations
10:15 AM
House Government Operations and Elections
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Joyce Peppin
HF1358 (Kahn) Neighborhood revitalization program termination and transition activities in a city of the first class provided.
HF1607 (Woodard) Capitol Complex Security advisory committee created, and State Patrol authorized to provide security and protection to certain government officials.
HF1523 (Holberg) Zoning for residential property used as vacation rental provided.
HFXXXX (Loeffler) A bill for an act relating to local government; terminating Hennepin County Soil And Water Conservation District and transferring certain duties;proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 383B.
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
12:30 PM
House in Session
3:00 PM
Senate Education
Room 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Gen Olson
Agenda: Tom Vander Ark, CEO for OpenEd Solutions
The presentation will focus on individualization, customization, and motivation as the main techniques to enhance learning for all students.
6:00 PM
Senate State Government Innovation and Veterans
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Mike Parry
S.F. 1099-Daley: Minnesota assistance council for veterans continued outreach to homeless veterans and families grant appropriation.
S.F. 896-Daley: Counties and first class cities private audits authority.
S.F. 725-Daley: Revenue department request for proposals for tax analytics and business intelligence contract.
S.F. 1359-Pederson: Legislative commission on planning and fiscal policy duties expansion.
S.F. 849-Carlson, J.: State employee group insurance program (SEGIP) retired employee termination notice requirement and coverage reinstatement procedure.
S.F. 1340-Carlson, J.: Minnesota Accountable Government Innovation and Collaboration (MAGIC) Act; counties general welfare provisions authorization
S.F. 1215-Gimse: Drivers license credit and debit card use authority.
S.F. 739-Lillie: Deputy commissioner and assistant commissioner positions reduction.
7:30 PM
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
Agenda: HF81 (Rukavina); SFxxxx: PERA; Purchase of service and salary credit
authorized for certain former employees of Babbit and Buhl for eligible
unreported employment.
HF476 (Kelly); SF176 (Howe): PERA; Red Wing Port Authority employees included and retroactive retirement coverage validated.
HF1338 (McFarlane); SF1113 (Chamberlain): White Bear Lake Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association; Use of special actuarial work authorized in determining the 2009 and 2010 special fund financial requirements and minimum municipal obligations.
HF1415 (Melin); SF1129 (Tomassoni): Police and fire plans; Relief associations extension provided for submitting reports.
HF1528 (Morrow); SF1277 (Sheran): MSRS; Increased annuity provided for surviving spouse and dependent children of employee killed while engaged in emergency response to flooding.
HFxxxx; SF1252 (Olson, G.): TRA; Independent school district #270, Hopkins; part time teacher participant salary credit purchase authorization.
Looking Ahead
Friday, May 6
9:30 AM
House in Session
10:30 AM
Senate Higher Education
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Michelle L. Fischbach
H.F. 821-Fischbach: Senior citizen higher education program qualifying age modification.
Confirmation hearing: Jacob Englund, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees
12:30 PM (or 15 Minutes after the last body adjourns)
Conference committee on SF 1047: state government finance
Room: 112 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Mike Parry and Rep. Morrie Lanning
SENATE CONFEREES: Parry; Gazelka; Thompson; Daley; Vandeveer
HOUSE CONFEREES: Lanning; Downey; Benson; Stensrud; Anderson
Agenda: State government finance bill
Posted by
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Chancellor, faculty, students testify for system; Schedules posted
Yesterday at the Capitol
The higher education conference committee met yesterday afternoon and heard testimony from those organizations affected by the House and Senate bills. Testifying on behalf of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system was Chancellor Jim McCormick who asked conferees to provide the system with as much flexibility as possible so that there are tools available to preserve services to students as budgets are being reduced.
McCormick said the Board of Trustees, presidents, students, faculty and staff have been grappling with the fiscal challenges the state has been facing for several years. He asked conferees to do what they can to minimize budget cuts to the system. He said the colleges and universities enrollment is at a record setting pace, and we want to continue being able to provide the education students seek. McCormick said, "The students and the institutions that comprise the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities are a national success story. We offer high quality, affordable education to the people of Minnesota, and we ask your help in protecting and preserving this public asset in the years ahead."
Also testifying yesterday was University of Minnesota President Bob Bruininks who said the University of Minnesota is one of the most productive universities in America, and cuts will erode the University's mission. Bruininks said the University expects to be part of the solution, but if the proposed cuts were enacted, it would take the University back to 1998. He said state funding is essential to the quality of the University of Minnesota.
Ted Tollefson, Metropolitan State University faculty, said he chose to teach at Metro State because he supports the mission of the system; to provide an accessible and affordable education. Tollefson said higher education is an expense, but it is also an investment.
Kevin Lindstrom, Vice President for the Minnesota State College Faculty, told conferees that MSCF is concerned about five things; how the cuts would impact access, quality, the communities they serve, morale among the faculty, and that the cuts will force bad decisions and will be the beginning of a downward spiral.
Don Larsson, President of the Inter Faculty Organization and Russ Stanton, Director of Government Relations for the IFO, both testified that the IFO would like to see improvements in appropriation to the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system. Stanton said the Board of Trustees tuition consultation process with the system should be allowed to work and the Legislature should not set tuition in law. Larsson said the IFO does not support salary caps for presidents or the chancellor. He said Minnesota needs quality people in these positions.
Andrew Spaeth, Chair of the Minnesota State University Student Association told conferees that the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is a valuable asset for the state of Minnesota. Spaeth also informed members that the best form of financial aid is low tuition, and that cutting the system to fully fund the state grant program sacrifices quality to the system.
Members listened to all the testimony and adjourned the meeting. Co-chair Bud Nornes, R-Fergus Falls, has the gavel and will call the next conference committee meeting. As of now, there is no indication when that will be.
Today at the Capitol
8:15 AM
House State Government Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
Agenda: HF1506 (Banaian) Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy new duties assigned, duties transferred from executive agencies, and money appropriated.
HF1579 (McFarlane) Counties given authority to provide for general welfare, alternative service delivery pilot program for waivers established, and state strategic planning and performance review provided.
HF545 (Downey) State budget document required to include federal insolvency contingency planning.
12:00 PM
Senate in Session
12:30 PM
House Civil Law
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Torrey Westrom
Agenda: HF1220 (Wardlow) Legislative enactments; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete reference corrections made; redundant, conflicting,
and superseded provisions removed; and miscellaneous corrections made to
laws, statutes, and rules.
SF137 (Wardlow) Deeds clarified to correct title and certain
acknowledgments, cancellation of residential purchase agreements
provided, and redemption period clarified for foreclosure of certain
SF194 (Mazorol) Uniform Commercial Code Article 9 amendments enacted by the adoption of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State
Laws, and conforming changes made.
HF1443 (Scott) Residential tenant definition clarified.
HF1130 (Nornes) Student record and data use provided.
HF1254 (Bills) Residential property rights expanded and defined, and
association vote and lien provisions of the Minnesota Common Interest
Ownership Act modified.
HF1532 (Simon) Secretary of state duties imposed, and lists of registrants
with challenged voting statuses due to felony convictions required.
1:00 PM
Senate State Government Innovation and Veterans
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Mike Parry
SF849 (Carlson, J) State employee group insurance program (SEGIP) retired employee termination notice requirement and coverage reinstatement procedure
SF702 (Parry) Lawful gambling tax rates modification; linked bingo and electronic pull-tabs authorization
SF896 (Daley) County private audit meeting standards of state auditor performance authority
SF1046 (Senjem) Racino and Minnesota future fund
1:00 PM (or 15 minutes after session)
Conference Committee on S.F. 1030: K-12 Education bill
Room: 15 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Gen Olson and Rep. Pat Garofalo
SENATE: Olson; Nelson; Thompson; Kruse; Wolf
HOUSE: Garofalo; Kelly; Doepke; Fabian; Erickson
S.F. 1030-Olson, G.: Omnibus early childhood through grade 12 education policy provisions modifications and appropriations - adopting same provisions
2:30 PM
House Capital Investment
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Larry Howes
Agenda: HF959 (Howes) Flood hazard mitigation grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1125 (Howes) Coon Rapids Dam renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
4:30 PM
House in Session
6:00 PM
Senate Judiciary and Public Safety
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Warren Limmer
Agenda: S.F. 425 Gerlach Event ticket practices regulation.
6:00 PM (or to the call of the chair)
House Ways and Means
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mary Liz Holberg
HF1612 (Downey) Budgeted spending limited to the amount collected in prior biennium, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1598 (Drazkowski) Three-fifths vote required to enact a law imposing or increasing property tax rate or levy, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1597 (Kiffmeyer) Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1613 (Gottwalt) Marriage recognized as only a union between one man and one woman, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1381 (Erickson) Prekindergarten through grade 12 education policy provided, including general education, education excellence, special programs, facilities and technology, early childhood education, and student transportation.
HF1097 (McNamara) Land acquisition by exchange provided; peatland protection, recreational vehicle enforcement provisions, local recreation grant cash match requirement, and Mineral Coordinating Committee modified; Blakeley State Wayside repealed, and money appropriated.
HF1162 (Ward) Nonnative species provisions modified, permits to control or harvest aquatic plants requirements modified, and criminal and civil penalties provided.
*With the exception of HF1612, the other bills on the agenda have been heard in policy and/or finance committees. It is the general practice of the House Ways and Means Committee that public testimony will not be taken. Testimony will be taken on HF1612 only.
Looking Ahead
Thursday, May 5
8:15 AM
House State Government Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
HF1633 (Norton) Gross profit use clarified.
HF1485 (Kriesel) Lawful gambling tax rates modified, linked bingo and electronic pull-tabs provided for, and clarifying, conforming, and technical changes made. Testifying:
- King Wilson, Executive Director of Allied Charities of Minnesota
- Gene Lindahl, Morristown American Legion
- Laurie Gluesing, Climb Theatre
- Shawn Donahue, Spring Lake Park Lions
- Mary Perren, Cottage Grove Athletic Association
- HF418 (Downey) Back Office Consolidation Act proposed; and accounting, financial reporting, procurement, fleet services, human resources, and payroll functions centralized in the Department of Administration.
*Note: HF 418 was previously heard in committee and laid over for possible inclusion in omnibus state government finance bill. It will be motioned to Ways and Means Committee during this hearing.
8:15 AM
Conference Committee on H.F. 42: Omnibus tax bill
Room: 15 Capitol
Chairs: Sen. Julianne E. Ortman and Rep. Greg Davids
SENATE: Ortman; Rosen; Senjem; Chamberlain; Limmer
HOUSE: Davids; Lenczewski; Runbeck; Anderson; Loon
Agenda: Discussion of Local Option Sales Taxes
10:15 AM
House Government Operations and Elections
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Joyce Peppin
HF1358 (Kahn) Neighborhood revitalization program termination and transition activities in a city of the first class provided.
HF1607 (Woodard) Capitol Complex Security advisory committee created, and State Patrol authorized to provide security and protection to certain government officials.
HF1523 (Holberg) Zoning for residential property used as vacation rental provided.
HFXXXX (Loeffler) A bill for an act relating to local government; terminating Hennepin County Soil And Water Conservation District and transferring certain duties;proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 383B.
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
12:30 PM
House in Session
3:00 PM
Senate Education
Room 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Gen Olson
Agenda: Tom Vander Ark, CEO for OpenEd Solutions
The presentation will focus on individualization, customization, and motivation as the main techniques to enhance learning for all students.
6:00 PM
Senate State Government Innovation and Veterans
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Mike Parry
S.F. 1099-Daley: Minnesota assistance council for veterans continued outreach to homeless veterans and families grant appropriation.
S.F. 896-Daley: Counties and first class cities private audits authority.
S.F. 725-Daley: Revenue department request for proposals for tax analytics and business intelligence contract.
S.F. 1359-Pederson: Legislative commission on planning and fiscal policy duties expansion.
S.F. 849-Carlson, J.: State employee group insurance program (SEGIP) retired employee termination notice requirement and coverage reinstatement procedure.
S.F. 1340-Carlson, J.: Minnesota Accountable Government Innovation and Collaboration (MAGIC) Act; counties general welfare provisions authorization.
7:30 PM
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
Agenda: HF81 (Rukavina); SFxxxx: PERA; Purchase of service and salary credit
authorized for certain former employees of Babbit and Buhl for eligible
unreported employment.
HF476 (Kelly); SF176 (Howe): PERA; Red Wing Port Authority employees included and retroactive retirement coverage validated.
HF1338 (McFarlane); SF1113 (Chamberlain): White Bear Lake Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association; Use of special actuarial work authorized in determining the 2009 and 2010 special fund financial requirements and minimum municipal obligations.
HF1415 (Melin); SF1129 (Tomassoni): Police and fire plans; Relief associations extension provided for submitting reports.
HF1528 (Morrow); SF1277 (Sheran): MSRS; Increased annuity provided for surviving spouse and dependent children of employee killed while engaged in emergency response to flooding.
HFxxxx; SF1252 (Olson, G.): TRA; Independent school district #270, Hopkins; part time teacher participant salary credit purchase authorization.
Friday, May 6
9:30 AM
House in Session
10:30 AM
Senate Higher Education
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Michelle L. Fischbach
H.F. 821-Fischbach: Senior citizen higher education program qualifying age modification.
Confirmation hearing: Jacob Englund, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees
Posted by
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Senior citizen eligibility for classes passed; Schedules posted
Yesterday at the Capitol
On the House floor yesterday, HF 821, a bill that reduces the age for senior citizens to receive reduced tuition from the age 66 to 62, passed by a vote of 126-4. This provision is also included in both the House and Senate versions of the higher education finance omnibus bill. This would reverse the law passed last session that increased the age from 62 to 66.
The higher education conference committee is scheduled to meet today at 1:00 p.m. in the basement hearing room of the State Office Building to take testimony on the Senate and House bills.
Today at the Capitol
8:15 AM
House State Government Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
Agenda: HF1362 (Kieffer) Workers' Compensation Advisory Council recommendations adopted.
HF1360 (Torkelson) Environmental Quality Board modified and duties eliminated and reassigned.
HF545 (Downey) State budget document required to include federal insolvency contingency planning.
Additional bills may be added
10:00 AM
House Education Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Pat Garofalo
HF1260 (Drazkowski) Public library maintenance of effort repealed.
HF1176 (McFarlane) Alternative facility revenue uses modified.
HF1179 (McFarlane) Pupil transportation provisions modified, Department of Education's role clarified in maintaining training programs, lift bus use included in the category or revenue authorized for reimbursement, and actual contracted transportation costs included as a method for allocating pupil transportation costs.
HF945 (Petersen) Teacher evaluations and tenure modified.
HF392 (Howes) School bus crossing control arms required.
HF1381 (Erickson) Omnibus education policy bill
10:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Conference committee on SF 1047/HF 57: state government omnibus bill
Room: 300 N SOB
Chairs: Rep. Lanning and Sen. Parry
HOUSE CONFEREES: Lanning, B. Anderson, M. Benson, Downey, and Stensrud
SENATE CONFEREES: Parry, Daley, Gazelka, Thompson, and Vandeveer
Agenda: HF577 / SF1047 (Lanning/Parry) Omnibus state government finance bill
Meeting Documents: Omnibus Spreadsheet 041211
Omnibus Change Items 041211
Conference Committee Side-By-Side
12:00 PM
Senate in Session
12:30 PM
House Jobs and Economic Development Finance
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Bob Gunther
HF1032 (Torkelson) Prevailing hours of labor requirements modified.
HF1476 (Scott) Prevailing wage provisions modified.
1:00 PM
Conference Committee on H.F. 1101: higher education omnibus bill
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chairs: Sen. Michelle L. Fischbach and Rep. Bud Nornes
SENATE: Fischbach; Robling; Senjem; Carlson; Brown
HOUSE: Nornes; Dettmer; Daudt; Hancock; Mazorol
Agenda: Public testimony on H.F. 1101-Fischbach: Omnibus higher education appropriations and policy provisions modification.
2:30 PM
Legislative Audit Commission - Topic Selection Subcommittee
Room: 112 State Capitol
Chair: Sen. Roger Reinert
Agenda: Working session to select 5 - 6 evaluation topics for
consideration by the full Legislative Audit Commission
3:30 PM
Legislative Audit Commission
Room: 112 State Capitol
Chairs: Rep. Michael Beard, Sen. Roger Reinert
Agenda: Approve Evaluation Topics for 2011
4:30 PM
House in Session
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, May 4
8:15 AM
House State Government Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
Agenda: HF1506 (Banaian) Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy new duties assigned, duties transferred from executive agencies, and money appropriated.
HF1579 (McFarlane) Counties given authority to provide for general welfare, alternative service delivery pilot program for waivers established, and state strategic planning and performance review provided.
Additional bills may be added.
1:00 PM
Senate State Government Innovation and Veterans
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Mike Parry
SF849 (Carlson, J) State employee group insurance program (SEGIP) retired employee termination notice requirement and coverage reinstatement procedure
SF702 (Parry) Lawful gambling tax rates modification; linked bingo and electronic pull-tabs authorization
SF896 (Daley) County private audit meeting standards of state auditor performance authority
SF1046 (Senjem) Racino and Minnesota future fund
2:30 PM
House Capital Investment
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Larry Howes
Agenda: HF959 (Howes) Flood hazard mitigation grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1125 (Howes) Coon Rapids Dam renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
4:30 PM
House in Session
6:00 PM
Senate Judiciary and Public Safety
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Warren Limmer
Agenda: S.F. 425 Gerlach Event ticket practices regulation.
6:00 PM (or to the call of the chair)
House Ways and Means
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mary Liz Holberg
HF1612 (Downey) Budgeted spending limited to the amount collected in prior biennium, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1598 (Drazkowski) Three-fifths vote required to enact a law imposing or increasing property tax rate or levy, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1597 (Kiffmeyer) Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1613 (Gottwalt) Marriage recognized as only a union between one man and one woman, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1381 (Erickson) Prekindergarten through grade 12 education policy provided, including general education, education excellence, special programs, facilities and technology, early childhood education, and student transportation.
HF1097 (McNamara) Land acquisition by exchange provided; peatland protection, recreational vehicle enforcement provisions, local recreation grant cash match requirement, and Mineral Coordinating Committee modified; Blakeley State Wayside repealed, and money appropriated.
HF1162 (Ward) Nonnative species provisions modified, permits to control or harvest aquatic plants requirements modified, and criminal and civil penalties provided.
*With the exception of HF1612, the other bills on the agenda have been heard in policy and/or finance committees. It is the general practice of the House Ways and Means Committee that public testimony will not be taken. Testimony will be taken on HF1612 only.
Thursday, May 5
12:30 PM
House in Session
3:00 PM
Senate Education
Room 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Gen Olson
Agenda: Presentation by Tom Vander Ark
6:00 PM
Senate State Government Innovation and Veterans
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Mike Parry
S.F. 1099-Daley: Minnesota assistance council for veterans continued outreach to homeless veterans and families grant appropriation.
S.F. 896-Daley: Counties and first class cities private audits authority.
S.F. 725-Daley: Revenue department request for proposals for tax analytics and business intelligence contract.
S.F. 1359-Pederson: Legislative commission on planning and fiscal policy duties expansion.
S.F. 849-Carlson, J.: State employee group insurance program (SEGIP) retired employee termination notice requirement and coverage reinstatement procedure.
S.F. 1340-Carlson, J.: Minnesota Accountable Government Innovation and Collaboration (MAGIC) Act; counties general welfare provisions authorization.
Friday, May 6
9:30 AM
House in Session
Posted by
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Weekly legislative schedule posted
Today at the Capitol
10:15 AM
House Ways and Means
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mary Liz Holberg
Agenda: HF4 (Downey) State workforce reduction required, and early retirement program created.
HF66 (Drazkowski) Political contribution refund repealed.
HF873 (Garofalo) Education finance obsolete language removed.
HF874 (Garofalo) Education finance obsolete language removed.
HF1230 (Fabian) State land disposition of receipts modified; state parks, state recreation areas, state forests, and state wildlife management areas added to and deleted from; Mississippi River management plan modified; and public and private sales and conveyances authorized for certain state lands.
HF1234 (Downey) Commissioner of administration required to issue a request for proposals and enter into a contract for strategic sourcing consulting services.
HF632 (Howes) Maintenance plumbers licensed, and fees modified.
HF210 (Kiffmeyer) Voter picture identification required before receiving a ballot, identification cards provided at no charge, provisional ballot procedures established, challenged voter eligibility list created, election administration procedures specified, electronic polling place rosters allowed, electronic polling place roster standards set, electronic roster implementation legislative task force created, recount procedures enacted, and money appropriated.
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
12:30 PM
House Transportation Policy and Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Michael Beard
Agenda: HF1283 (Hackbarth) Recreational vehicle operating provisions modified, dual registration of off-highway motorcycles provided, and special vehicle use on roadways modified.
SF67 (Nornes) Waterfront structure transportation on trunk highways authorized with annual special permits.
HF232 (Kriesel) Gold star license plates eligibility expanded to surviving legal guardians and siblings.
SF478 (Shimanski) Disability motorcycle plate provided.
HF1036 (Sanders) State passenger vehicle fleet management and consolidation provided.
HF977(Cornish) State Patrol prohibited from closing or consolidating dispatch centers.
1:00 PM
Senate State Government Innovation and Veterans
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Mike Parry
S.F. 1101-Hann: My Life, My Choices task force establishment.
S.F. 878-Higgins: Honorary military service prior offense presumption of rehabilitation.
S.F. 904-Lillie: State depositories bond requirements modifications.
S.F. 1159-Lillie: Workers compensation advisory council recommendations adoption.
S.F. 1283-Benson: State Capitol complex security advisory committee creation; state patrol protection to government officials authorization.
H.F. 786-Daley: Charitable organizations financial statement modifications and compensation information reporting requirements.
1:00 PM
Conference Committee on S.F. 1030: K-12 education omnibus bill
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chairs: Sen. Gen Olson and Rep. Pat Garofalo
SENATE: Olson; Nelson; Thompson; Kruse; Wolf
HOUSE: Garofalo; Kelly; Doepke; Fabian; Erickson
Agenda: Review Literacy Initiatives
3:00 PM
House in Session
Looking Ahead
Tuesday, May 3
8:15 AM
House State Government Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
Agenda: HF1362 (Kieffer) Workers' Compensation Advisory Council recommendations adopted.
HF1360 (Torkelson) Environmental Quality Board modified and duties eliminated and reassigned.
HF545 (Downey) State budget document required to include federal insolvency contingency planning.
Additional bills may be added
10:00 AM
House Education Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Pat Garofalo
HF1260 (Drazkowski) Public library maintenance of effort repealed.
HF1176 (McFarlane) Alternative facility revenue uses modified.
HF1179 (McFarlane) Pupil transportation provisions modified, Department of Education's role clarified in maintaining training programs, lift bus use included in the category or revenue authorized for reimbursement, and actual contracted transportation costs included as a method for allocating pupil transportation costs.
HF945 (Petersen) Teacher evaluations and tenure modified.
HF392 (Howes) School bus crossing control arms required.
HF1381 (Erickson) Omnibus education policy bill
10:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Conference committee on SF 1047/HF 57: state government omnibus bill
Room: 300 N SOB
Chairs: Rep. Lanning and Sen. Parry
HOUSE CONFEREES: Lanning, B. Anderson, M. Benson, Downey, and Stensrud
SENATE CONFEREES: Parry, Daley, Gazelka, Thompson, and Vandeveer
Agenda: HF577 / SF1047 (Lanning/Parry) Omnibus state government finance bill
Meeting Documents: Omnibus Spreadsheet 041211
Omnibus Change Items 041211
Conference Committee Side-By-Side
12:30 PM
House Jobs and Economic Development Finance
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Bob Gunther
HF1032 (Torkelson) Prevailing hours of labor requirements modified.
HF1476 (Scott) Prevailing wage provisions modified.
1:00 PM
Conference Committee on H.F. 1101: higher education omnibus bill
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chairs: Sen. Michelle L. Fischbach and Rep. Bud Nornes
SENATE: Fischbach; Robling; Senjem; Carlson; Brown
HOUSE: Nornes; Dettmer; Daudt; Hancock; Mazorol
Agenda: Public testimony on H.F. 1101-Fischbach: Omnibus higher education appropriations and policy provisions modification.
2:30 PM
Legislative Audit Commission - Topic Selection Subcommittee
Room: 112 State Capitol
Chair: Sen. Roger Reinert
Agenda: Working session to select 5 - 6 evaluation topics for
consideration by the full Legislative Audit Commission
3:30 PM
Legislative Audit Commission
Room: 112 State Capitol
Chairs: Rep. Michael Beard, Sen. Roger Reinert
Agenda: Approve Evaluation Topics for 2011
4:30 PM
House in Session
Wednesday, May 48:15 AM
House State Government Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
Agenda: HF1506 (Banaian) Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy new duties assigned, duties transferred from executive agencies, and money appropriated.
HF1579 (McFarlane) Counties given authority to provide for general welfare, alternative service delivery pilot program for waivers established, and state strategic planning and performance review provided.
Additional bills may be added.
1:00 PM
Senate State Government Innovation and Veterans
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Mike Parry
SF849 (Carlson, J) State employee group insurance program (SEGIP) retired employee termination notice requirement and coverage reinstatement procedure
SF702 (Parry) Lawful gambling tax rates modification; linked bingo and electronic pull-tabs authorization
SF896 (Daley) County private audit meeting standards of state auditor performance authority
SF1046 (Senjem) Racino and Minnesota future fund
2:30 PM
House Capital Investment
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Larry Howes
Agenda: HF959 (Howes) Flood hazard mitigation grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
4:30 PM
House in Session
6:00 PM
Senate Judiciary and Public Safety
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Warren Limmer
Agenda: S.F. 425 Gerlach Event ticket practices regulation.
6:00 PM (or to the call of the chair)
House Ways and Means
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mary Liz Holberg
HF1612 (Downey) Budgeted spending limited to the amount collected in prior biennium, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1598 (Drazkowski) Three-fifths vote required to enact a law imposing or increasing property tax rate or levy, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1597 (Kiffmeyer) Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1613 (Gottwalt) Marriage recognized as only a union between one man and one woman, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1381 (Erickson) Prekindergarten through grade 12 education policy provided, including general education, education excellence, special programs, facilities and technology, early childhood education, and student transportation.
HF1097 (McNamara) Land acquisition by exchange provided; peatland protection, recreational vehicle enforcement provisions, local recreation grant cash match requirement, and Mineral Coordinating Committee modified; Blakeley State Wayside repealed, and money appropriated.
HF1162 (Ward) Nonnative species provisions modified, permits to control or harvest aquatic plants requirements modified, and criminal and civil penalties provided.
*With the exception of HF1612, the other bills on the agenda have been heard in policy and/or finance committees. It is the general practice of the House Ways and Means Committee that public testimony will not be taken. Testimony will be taken on HF1612 only.
Thursday, May 5
12:30 PM
House in Session
Friday, May 6
9:30 AM
House in Session
Posted by
Monday, May 02, 2011