Good morning. With the March 25 finance bill deadline looming, we can expect to see evening hearings this week and next, as well as a more fluid schedule. We will continue to keep you posted.
Today at the Capitol
10:15 AM
House Ways and Means
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mary Liz Holberg
Agenda: Adopt budget targets
10:30 AM
Senators Mike Parry, R-Waseca and Gretchen Hoffman, R-Vergas will hold a press conference to address pension issues.
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
12:30 PM
House Education Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Pat Garofalo
Agenda: HF783 (Garofalo) Number of public school pupils covered by the permanent fund endowment apportionment expanded.
HF879 (Erickson) Annual evaluations for principals established, and a group of experts and stakeholders convened to recommend a performance-based system model for these evaluations.
HF360 (Peterson) School district requirement clarified that a school district is not required to provide educational services to students without disabilities from other states.
1:00 PM
Senate Local Government and Elections
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Ray Vandeveer
S.F. 509-Limmer: Voter photo identification requirement; picture identification issuance provisions; provisional balloting procedure establishment; electronic polling place roster use requirement; recount procedure enacting; appropriating money.
S.F. 479-Howe: Voter photo identification and issuance requirement; picture identification and issuance at no charge; provisional balloting procedure establishment.
1:00 PM
Senate State Government Innovation and Veterans
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Mike Parry
S.F. 208-Hann: Teacher employment contracts negotiating process establishment.
S.F. 650-Gazelka: Compulsive gambling appropriation.
S.F. 739-Lillie: Deputy commissioner and assistant commissioner positions reduction.
S.F. 146-Chamberlain: Priority-based budgeting process creation and state agencies sunset process establishment.
3:00 PM
Senate Higher Education
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Michelle L. Fischbach
S.F. 698-Magnus: University of Minnesota (U of M) agriculture experiment station and extension service appropriation
Presentation on the Agricultural Special by the University of Minnesota
S.F. 342-Bakk: Cook county higher education board educational programs and academic support services appropriation.
3:00 PM
Senate Education
Room 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Gen Olson
S.F. 390-Nelson: Americorps Innovation Act.
S.F. 636-Olson, G.: Teacher licensure, evaluations, and tenure provisions modifications.
3:00 PM
House in Session
30 minutes after session ends
House State Government Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
HF466 (Morrow) Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans grant funding provided for continued outreach to homeless veterans in Minnesota, and money appropriated.
HF866 (Lohmer) Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans grant provided for continued outreach to homeless veterans in Minnesota, and money appropriated.
HF756 (Stensrud) State employee performance appraisal and bonus pay system components specified.
HF418 (Downey) Back Office Consolidation Act proposed; accounting, financial reporting, procurement, fleet services, human resources, and payroll functions centralized in the Department of Administration.
HF1024 (Stensrud) Deputy commissioner numbers reduced and assistant commissioner position eliminated in the unclassified service.
5:00 PM (or 30 minutes after session)
House Education Finance
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Pat Garofalo
Agenda: HF273 (Woodard) Students at low-performing schools enrollment options established
5:30 PM
House Education Reform
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Sondra Erickson
HF945 (Petersen) Teacher licensure, evaluations, and tenure modified.
HF947 (Erickson) Alternative teacher pay system modified.
Looking Ahead
Tuesday, March 15
8:15 AM
House Education Reform
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Sondra Erickson
HF638 (Myhra) School grading system created, school recognition program created, school report cards modified, rulemaking authorized, and report required.
HF558 (Downey) Graduation-Required Assessment for Diploma mathematics exception removed.
HF329 (Bills) Public school employees prohibited from using public funds and resources to advocate to pass, elect, or defeat a political candidate, ballot question, or pending legislation.
10:30 AM
Senate Jobs and Economic Growth
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Geoff Michel
S.F. 428-Sieben: Boiler inspector provisions modifications.
S.F. 437-Dahms: Minnesota inventors congress grants appropriation.
S.F. 501-Nelson: BioBusiness Alliance appropriation.
S.F. 708-Pederson: Twin Cities RISE! job training programs appropriation; job training and retention grant requirements modifications.
S.F. 486-Tomassoni: Conservation Corps Minnesota statewide youth job skills development and training program grant appropriation.
S.F. 300-Bonoff: Minnesota science and technology program.
12:30 PM
House Higher Education Policy and Finance
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Bud Nornes
HF900 (Abeler) Board of Trustees of MnSCU required to implement a policy on credit transfers relating to the Anoka STEP program, and report to the legislature required.
HF862 (Benson) University of Minnesota and Mayo Foundation Partnership money appropriated.
HF849 (Nornes) College and university mandates eliminated
12:30 PM
House Jobs and Economic Development Finance
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Bob Gunther
HF645 (Mullery) Minority population grant program provided for collaborative activities to reduce unemployment, and money appropriated.
HF995 (McFarlane) Womenventure funding provided for business development programs, and money appropriated.
HF983 (Gunther) Enterprise Minnesota, Inc. funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF893 (Gunther) Vinland Center for rehabilitation services funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF693 (McFarlane) Minority business development programs money appropriated.
2:30 PM
House Capital Investment
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Larry Howes
Agenda: HFXXXX (Howes) A bill for an act relating to capital investment; canceling appropriations and reducing the corresponding bond sale authorizations.
5:00 PM
House Education Finance
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Pat Garofalo
Agenda: HF947 (Erickson) Alternative teacher pay system modified
HF558 (Downey) Graduation-Required Assessment for Diploma mathematics exception removed.
Wednesday, March 16
8:00 AM
House State Government Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Morrie Lanning
Agenda: HF2 (Banaian) Zero-based budgeting required, and sunset advisory commission and sunset process established for state agencies.
Minnesota House of Representatives budget overview
General Fund Budget overviews by:
Teachers Retirement Association (TRA)
Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS)
Public Employee Retirement Association (PERA)
Governor’s Office budget overview
12:30 PM
House Education Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Pat Garofalo
HF945 (Petersen) Teacher licensure, evaluations, and tenure modified.
HF1029 (Kelly) Board of Teaching funding provided from the special revenue fund for activities associated with licensure by portfolio.
HF669 (Loon) Early childhood education scholarship finance system created, early education worker training and retainment tax credits provided, early childhood education programming quality improved, and money appropriated.
1:00 PM
Senate Local Government and Elections
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Ray Vandeveer
S.F. 509-Limmer: Voter photo identification requirement; picture identification issuance provisions; provisional balloting procedure establishment; electronic polling place roster use requirement; recount procedure enacting; appropriating money.
S.F. 479-Howe: Voter photo identification and issuance requirement; picture identification and issuance at no charge; provisional balloting procedure establishment.
Thursday, March 17
10:15 AM
House Government Operations and Elections Committee
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Joyce Peppin
HF1041 (Mack) State employee suggestion system for making state government less costly or more efficient established.
HF962 (Howes) Municipal tobacco license suspensions for sales to minors limited upon compliance with requirements.
HF681 (Downey) Minnesota pay for performance pilot program established, funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Bill deadline approaching; Schedules posted
Posted by
Monday, March 14, 2011
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