Yesterday at the Capitol
The House approved the credit transfer conference committee report, HF 3164 on the floor yesterday by a vote of 110-20. The bill will require the system to work on its credit transfer system, with the goal of "minimal loss of credits for transferring students." Under the provision the system would also be required to submit annual reports to the Legislature on progress made toward achieving that goal. The language requires each system college and university to post information necessary to determine the transferability of course credits on their institutional Web sites. The Office of the Chancellor must develop, in consultation with
faculty and students, a template to be used by the colleges and universities to ensure consistency in the information available to students.
Once the Senate approves the report, it will head to the governor. As a reminder, here is the link to the conference committee report.
The House K-12 Education Finance committee walked through the K-12 omnibus bill, which can be found here. The committee is expected to mark-up and pass the bill Wednesday. The companion bill, SF 2819, sponsored by Sen. John Marty, DFL-Roseville, awaits action by the Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division.
Included in the bill is a provision regarding an early graduation achievement scholarship program. Under the provision, a student is eligible for a scholarship of $2,500 if he/she qualifies for graduation one semester early, $5,000 if the student qualifies for graduation two semesters early, or $7,500 if the student qualifies for graduation three or more semesters early. A scholarship may be used at any accredited institution of higher education. Also included in the bill is a provision on textbooks for PSEO students that states a postsecondary institution may bill the pupil for any textbooks and equipment that are not promptly returned by the student.
There is also language in the bill regarding the Board of Teaching license and rules that states the Board may adopt new rules and amend any existing rules to license public school teachers. Language is also included that states the rules must require general education candidates for initial licenses to teach prekindergarten or elementary students, to pass, as part of the examination of licensure-specific teaching skills, test items assessing the candidates' knowledge, skill, and ability in math.
Also related to the Board of Teaching is language included in the bill that says the Board may approve only those teacher preparation programs that target and address identified concerns affecting students in kindergarten through grade 12. The Board and the Department of Education are to enter into an agreement to share educational data solely for approving and improving teacher education programs.
The Board of Teaching is to ensure that kindergarten through grade 12 teacher licensing standards are highly aligned with the state's kindergarten through grade 12 academic standards; adopt a review cycle, review and align the teacher licensure standards within one school year after the commissioner of education reviews and adopts revised kindergarten through grade 12 academic standards in a particular subject area, and all teacher preparation programs approved by the Board of Teaching must require teacher candidates to complete at least one online course. Also included in the bill is language regarding an alternative teacher preparation program and limited-term teacher license.
Today at the Capitol
8:30 AM
House State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and Elections
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Gene Pelowski
Agenda: HF2958 (Pelowski) Open Meeting Law changed.
HF2227 (Marquart) Board of Innovation reestablished, powers and duties imposed, and money appropriated.
9:00 AM
Senate in Session
9:30 AM
House Finance
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
HR 8 (Huntley) A house resolution expressing the sense of the Minnesota House of Representatives regarding an extension of the enhanced federal Medicaid match.
HF3281 (Murphy) Omnibus pension bill
HF3660 (Koenen) Department of corrections; settlement provided for certain claims against the state for injuries suffered.
HF3571 (Koenen) Publicly owned nursing facilities rate increase authorized, and local share required for nonfederal medical assistance costs.
HF3748 (Simon) Chairs and ranking minority members of the Committee on Finance and Ways and Means authorized to request local impact notes.
SF2505 (Slawik) Statewide child care provider training, coaching, consultation, and supports funding provided to prepare for the voluntary Minnesota quality rating system, and money appropriated.
HF1993 (Clark) Minneapolis; utility poles treated with or containing pentachlorophenol prohibited.
HF3490 (Holberg) Requirements established governing capital requests and legislative reporting for projects to establish fixed guideway transit and rail lines.
12:00 PM
House in Session
4:30 PM
LCPFP Subcommittee on a Balanced Budget
Room: 15 Capitol
Chairs: Rep. Lyndon Carlson, Sen. Lawrence J. Pogemiller
Agenda: Update on Federal Medicaid match dollars
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, April 28
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2918-Betzold: Omnibus retirement bill.
S.F. 2573-Betzold: State, local, legislator and hospital public employees retirement financial sustainability provisions modifications.
S.F. 2644-Betzold: Minneapolis employees retirement fund (MERF) administrative functions transfer to the public employees retirement association (PERA); MERF consolidation account in PERA establishment and operation provisions.
S.F. 2199-Olson, G.: Legislature size reduction and senate district division prevention.
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf
S.F. 3028-Stumpf: Pre-kindergarten through grade 12 education appropriations and appropriation reductions.
S.F. 3063-Stumpf: Career and technical education levy formula adjustment.
S.F. 3064-Stumpf: Northwestern Online College in the high school program appropriations.
10:00 AM
House K-12 Education Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: Mark-up and passage of HF2431, the omnibus K-12 finance and policy bill.
30 minutes after session
House Ways and Means
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Solberg
HF2614 (Huntley) Intensive care management program established for medical assistance enrollees, funding reduced for the medical assistance program, request for proposals required, report required, and money appropriated.
HF3281 (Murphy) Omnibus pension bill.
HF3571 (Koenen) Publicly owned nursing facilities rate increase authorized, and local share required for nonfederal medical assistance costs.
HF3660 (Koenen) Department of corrections; settlement provided for certain claims against the state for injuries suffered.
HF3702 (Wagenius) Omnibus environment and natural resources finance bill.
SF2505 (Slawik) Statewide child care provider training, coaching, consultation, and supports funding provided to prepare for the voluntary Minnesota quality rating system, and money appropriated.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Transfer bill advances; K-12 education bill moves
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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