Lawmakers did not meet yesterday while the Republican party state convention got underway. Delegates will endorse a candidate for governor today, either State Representative Tom Emmer, R-Delano, or State Representative Mary Seifert, R-Marshall. Both candidates have said they will abide by the endorsement. After today, the Legislature has two weeks to wrap things up.
Today at the Capitol
There will be no legislative hearings or floor sessions today.
Looking Ahead
Monday, May 3
9:00 AM
House Taxes
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Ann Lenczewski
Agenda: HF3729 (Lenczewski) Omnibus tax bill (A delete-all amendment will be offered to this bill. Language will be available online April 30).
10:00 AM
House Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
Agenda: HF2431 (Greiling) Omnibus K-12 education bill
SF1761 (Fritz) Health plans required to establish equal out-of-pocket requirements for oral and intravenously administered chemotherapy medications.
10:00 AM
House Ways and Means
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Loren Solberg
Budget Resolution;
HF2614 (Huntley) Intensive care management program established for medical assistance enrollees, funding reduced for the medical assistance program, request for proposals required, report required, and money appropriated;
HF3281 (Murphy) Omnibus retirement bill;
HF3660 (Koenen) Department of corrections; settlement provided for certain claims against the state for injuries suffered, and money appropriated;
HF3571 (Koenen) Publicly owned nursing facilities rate increase authorized, and local share required for nonfederal medical assistance costs;
HF3702 (Wagenius) Omnibus environment and natural resources finance bill;
SF2505 (Slawik) Statewide child care provider training, coaching, consultation, and supports funding provided to prepare for the voluntary Minnesota quality rating system, and money appropriated.
2:00 PM
Senate in Session
3:00 PM
House in Session
Tuesday, May 4
8:30 AM
House K-12 Education Policy
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Agenda: Federal School Improvement Grants and Minnesota's list of "Persistently Lowest-Achieving Schools"
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf
Agenda: To be announced.
8:30 AM
House Capital Investment Finance Division
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Alice Hausman
Agenda: HF3678 (Clark) Challenge program for affordable housing and permanent supportive housing purposes funding provided, and bonds issued.
HF3725 (Marquart) Mortgage registry tax and deed tax proceed portion appropriated to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency to be used for creation of affordable housing units.
Second Order Amending Order of Commissioner of Finance
Relating to Use and Sale of State Bond Financed Property, MMB
Meeting Documents: revised commissioner's order on section 16A.69
Tuesday, May 11
12:30 PM
Senate Higher Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Sandra L. Pappas
University District Alliance report
HEFA confirmations
Friday, April 30, 2010
Lawmakers on break; Republican convention in full swing
Posted by
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
House passes K-12 bill; Light schedule for Republican convention
Yesterday at the Capitol
The House K-12 Education Finance committee passed the omnibus K-12 education bill out of committee yesterday after multiple amendments. The bill, HF 2431, now heads to the Finance committee where it is scheduled to be heard Monday morning.
One of the amendments approved by committee members was offered by Rep. Carlos Mariani, DFL-St. Paul, chairman of the House K-12 Education Policy and Oversight Committee. The amendment requires all schools to conduct annual teacher evaluations. Other provisions included in the bill, and reported in Tuesday's Daily Update, include tighter licensing rules for teachers and administrators; data sharing that could help the Board of Teaching, the Board of School Administrators and the Education Department to track educators’ performance; and two different approaches to alternative teacher licensure pathways.
The Senate E-12 Education Finance division also met yesterday and committee members approved amendments revising E-12 funding for 2011-2012 in SF 3028. The committee is expected to take up their policy bill next Tuesday and much of the focus will be on items related to Race to the Top.
Today at the Capitol
There are no higher education related committee hearings or floor sessions today or tomorrow due to the Republican state party convention beginning today at the Minneapolis Convention Center.
Looking Ahead
Monday, May 3
9:00 AM
House Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
Agenda: HF2431 (Greiling) Omnibus K-12 education bill
SF1761 (Fritz) Health plans required to establish equal out-of-pocket requirements for oral and intravenously administered chemotherapy medications.
HF3251 (Lillie) Portable electronics insurance regulated.
9:00 AM
House Taxes
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Ann Lenczewski
Agenda: HF3729 (Lenczewski) Omnibus tax bill (A delete-all amendment will be offered to this bill. Language will be available online April 30).
2:00 PM
Senate in Session
3:00 PM
House in Session
Tuesday, May 4
8:30 AM
House K-12 Education Policy
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Agenda: Federal School Improvement Grants and Minnesota's list of "Persistently Lowest-Achieving Schools"
8:30 AM
House Capital Investment Finance Division
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Alice Hausman
Agenda: HF3678 (Clark) Challenge program for affordable housing and permanent supportive housing purposes funding provided, and bonds issued.
HF3725 (Marquart) Mortgage registry tax and deed tax proceed portion appropriated to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency to be used for creation of affordable housing units.
Second Order Amending Order of Commissioner of Finance
Relating to Use and Sale of State Bond Financed Property, MMB
Meeting Documents: revised commissioner's order on section 16A.69
Tuesday, May 11
12:30 PM
Senate Higher Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Sandra L. Pappas
University District Alliance report
HEFA confirmations
Posted by
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Senate approves transfer bill; House works on ag bill; Budget discussed
Yesterday at the Capitol
The full Senate approved the credit transfer conference committee report on the floor yesterday by a vote of 55-0, so the bill will now head to the governor. As a reminder, the House approved the report on the floor Monday. The bill will require the system to work on its credit transfer system, with the goal of "minimal loss of credits for transferring students." Here is the link to the conference committee report.
On the House floor yesterday, lawmakers took up SF 2737, the omnibus agriculture and veterans affairs policy bill, being carried by Rep. Al Juhnke, DFL-Willmar. Rep. Dan Severson, R-Sauk Rapids, offered an amendment to extend the higher education veteran assistance programs on campus. Current legislation has the programs expiring June 30, 2011, but the amendment extends the sunset date to June 30, 2015. Rep. Severson said that the bill author, Rep. Juhnke had concerns because of a potential cost. But Severson said that because of the effectiveness of the federal GI bill and monies not being accessed, there is money available. Juhnke said he would be happy to take it to conference committee and "try it on for size." The amendment was adopted and the bill passed the full House by a vote of 127-3.
Also meeting yesterday was the Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy’s Subcommittee on a Balanced Budget. Minnesota Management and Budget Commissioner Tom Hanson told committee members that the $408 million the Legislature and Gov. Pawlenty are counting on to help resolve much of the remaining budget deficit is unlikely to be appropriated before the Legislature adjourns Monday, May 17.
Hanson said the governor's office learned yesterday from the National Governors Association that it could be several weeks before Congress passes an extension of enhanced Medicaid match funding. Hanson said while it's possible the legislation may be acted on prior to Congress recessing May 29, lawmakers might want to develop a backup plan. Hanson said the state budget is expected to be short $536 million this biennium. He suggested that lawmakers deal with the $128 million deficit first assuming the state will eventually receive the $408 million in federal funding, and then develop a back-up plan in case that money does not come through.
Today at the Capitol
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2918-Betzold: Omnibus retirement bill.
S.F. 2573-Betzold: State, local, legislator and hospital public employees retirement financial sustainability provisions modifications.
S.F. 2644-Betzold: Minneapolis employees retirement fund (MERF) administrative functions transfer to the public employees retirement association (PERA); MERF consolidation account in PERA establishment and operation provisions.
S.F. 2937-Rosen: Chemical dependency treatment pilot projects.
S.F. 2170-Scheid: Homestead-lender mediation requirement prior to mortgage foreclosure.
S.F. 3043-Vandeveer: Minnesota Appraisal Management Company Licensing and Regulation Act; real estate appraiser advisory board modification.
S.F. 3246-Latz: Claims against state.
S.F. 2199-Olson, G.: Legislature size reduction and senate district division prevention.
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf
S.F. 3028-Stumpf: Pre-kindergarten through grade 12 education appropriations and appropriation reductions.
S.F. 3063-Stumpf: Career and technical education levy formula adjustment.
S.F. 3064-Stumpf: Northwestern Online College in the high school program appropriations.
10:00 AM
House K-12 Education Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: Mark-up and passage of HF2431, the omnibus K-12 finance and policy bill.
10:30 AM
Senate in Session (expected to be brief)
2:00 PM
House in Session
30 minutes after session
House Ways and Means
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Solberg
HF2614 (Huntley) Intensive care management program established for medical assistance enrollees, funding reduced for the medical assistance program, request for proposals required, report required, and money appropriated.
HF3281 (Murphy) Omnibus pension bill.
HF3571 (Koenen) Publicly owned nursing facilities rate increase authorized, and local share required for nonfederal medical assistance costs.
HF3660 (Koenen) Department of corrections; settlement provided for certain claims against the state for injuries suffered.
HF3702 (Wagenius) Omnibus environment and natural resources finance bill.
SF2505 (Slawik) Statewide child care provider training, coaching, consultation, and supports funding provided to prepare for the voluntary Minnesota quality rating system, and money appropriated.
Budget resolution
Looking Ahead
There are no higher education related committee hearings or floor sessions Thursday or Friday this week due to the Republican state party convention beginning Thursday at the Minneapolis Convention Center.
Tuesday, May 4
8:30 AM
House K-12 Education Policy
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Agenda: Federal School Improvement Grants and Minnesota's list of "Persistently Lowest-Achieving Schools"
Posted by
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Transfer bill advances; K-12 education bill moves
Yesterday at the Capitol
The House approved the credit transfer conference committee report, HF 3164 on the floor yesterday by a vote of 110-20. The bill will require the system to work on its credit transfer system, with the goal of "minimal loss of credits for transferring students." Under the provision the system would also be required to submit annual reports to the Legislature on progress made toward achieving that goal. The language requires each system college and university to post information necessary to determine the transferability of course credits on their institutional Web sites. The Office of the Chancellor must develop, in consultation with
faculty and students, a template to be used by the colleges and universities to ensure consistency in the information available to students.
Once the Senate approves the report, it will head to the governor. As a reminder, here is the link to the conference committee report.
The House K-12 Education Finance committee walked through the K-12 omnibus bill, which can be found here. The committee is expected to mark-up and pass the bill Wednesday. The companion bill, SF 2819, sponsored by Sen. John Marty, DFL-Roseville, awaits action by the Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division.
Included in the bill is a provision regarding an early graduation achievement scholarship program. Under the provision, a student is eligible for a scholarship of $2,500 if he/she qualifies for graduation one semester early, $5,000 if the student qualifies for graduation two semesters early, or $7,500 if the student qualifies for graduation three or more semesters early. A scholarship may be used at any accredited institution of higher education. Also included in the bill is a provision on textbooks for PSEO students that states a postsecondary institution may bill the pupil for any textbooks and equipment that are not promptly returned by the student.
There is also language in the bill regarding the Board of Teaching license and rules that states the Board may adopt new rules and amend any existing rules to license public school teachers. Language is also included that states the rules must require general education candidates for initial licenses to teach prekindergarten or elementary students, to pass, as part of the examination of licensure-specific teaching skills, test items assessing the candidates' knowledge, skill, and ability in math.
Also related to the Board of Teaching is language included in the bill that says the Board may approve only those teacher preparation programs that target and address identified concerns affecting students in kindergarten through grade 12. The Board and the Department of Education are to enter into an agreement to share educational data solely for approving and improving teacher education programs.
The Board of Teaching is to ensure that kindergarten through grade 12 teacher licensing standards are highly aligned with the state's kindergarten through grade 12 academic standards; adopt a review cycle, review and align the teacher licensure standards within one school year after the commissioner of education reviews and adopts revised kindergarten through grade 12 academic standards in a particular subject area, and all teacher preparation programs approved by the Board of Teaching must require teacher candidates to complete at least one online course. Also included in the bill is language regarding an alternative teacher preparation program and limited-term teacher license.
Today at the Capitol
8:30 AM
House State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and Elections
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Gene Pelowski
Agenda: HF2958 (Pelowski) Open Meeting Law changed.
HF2227 (Marquart) Board of Innovation reestablished, powers and duties imposed, and money appropriated.
9:00 AM
Senate in Session
9:30 AM
House Finance
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
HR 8 (Huntley) A house resolution expressing the sense of the Minnesota House of Representatives regarding an extension of the enhanced federal Medicaid match.
HF3281 (Murphy) Omnibus pension bill
HF3660 (Koenen) Department of corrections; settlement provided for certain claims against the state for injuries suffered.
HF3571 (Koenen) Publicly owned nursing facilities rate increase authorized, and local share required for nonfederal medical assistance costs.
HF3748 (Simon) Chairs and ranking minority members of the Committee on Finance and Ways and Means authorized to request local impact notes.
SF2505 (Slawik) Statewide child care provider training, coaching, consultation, and supports funding provided to prepare for the voluntary Minnesota quality rating system, and money appropriated.
HF1993 (Clark) Minneapolis; utility poles treated with or containing pentachlorophenol prohibited.
HF3490 (Holberg) Requirements established governing capital requests and legislative reporting for projects to establish fixed guideway transit and rail lines.
12:00 PM
House in Session
4:30 PM
LCPFP Subcommittee on a Balanced Budget
Room: 15 Capitol
Chairs: Rep. Lyndon Carlson, Sen. Lawrence J. Pogemiller
Agenda: Update on Federal Medicaid match dollars
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, April 28
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2918-Betzold: Omnibus retirement bill.
S.F. 2573-Betzold: State, local, legislator and hospital public employees retirement financial sustainability provisions modifications.
S.F. 2644-Betzold: Minneapolis employees retirement fund (MERF) administrative functions transfer to the public employees retirement association (PERA); MERF consolidation account in PERA establishment and operation provisions.
S.F. 2199-Olson, G.: Legislature size reduction and senate district division prevention.
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf
S.F. 3028-Stumpf: Pre-kindergarten through grade 12 education appropriations and appropriation reductions.
S.F. 3063-Stumpf: Career and technical education levy formula adjustment.
S.F. 3064-Stumpf: Northwestern Online College in the high school program appropriations.
10:00 AM
House K-12 Education Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: Mark-up and passage of HF2431, the omnibus K-12 finance and policy bill.
30 minutes after session
House Ways and Means
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Solberg
HF2614 (Huntley) Intensive care management program established for medical assistance enrollees, funding reduced for the medical assistance program, request for proposals required, report required, and money appropriated.
HF3281 (Murphy) Omnibus pension bill.
HF3571 (Koenen) Publicly owned nursing facilities rate increase authorized, and local share required for nonfederal medical assistance costs.
HF3660 (Koenen) Department of corrections; settlement provided for certain claims against the state for injuries suffered.
HF3702 (Wagenius) Omnibus environment and natural resources finance bill.
SF2505 (Slawik) Statewide child care provider training, coaching, consultation, and supports funding provided to prepare for the voluntary Minnesota quality rating system, and money appropriated.
Posted by
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Another short week expected; Omnibus bills on floor
This week is expected to be another short week at the Capitol due to the Republican party state convention beginning Thursday at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Over the weekend, Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher won the DFL endorsement for governor. Kelliher is the first woman to be endorsed for governor by a major party in Minnesota. At the Capitol, the omnibus pension bill will be heard this week in both the Senate and House Finance committees, and the House K-12 Education Finance committee will be taking up the K-12 education bill with the intention to pass it out of committee Wednesday.
Today at the Capitol
12:00 PM
House in Session
1:00 PM (or 30 minutes after session adjourns)
House K-12 Education Finance
Room: Basement Hearing Room State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: Walk-through of the omnibus K-12 finance and policy bill.
NOTE: Copies of the articles will be posted online and be available to the public at approximately noon Monday.
HF243 (Greiling) School finance system modified, and new education funding framework created.
2:00 PM
Senate in Session
Looking Ahead
Tuesday, April 27
8:30 AM
House State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and Elections
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Gene Pelowski
Agenda: HF2958 (Pelowski) Open Meeting Law changed.
HF2227 (Marquart) Board of Innovation reestablished, powers and duties imposed, and money appropriated.
9:30 AM
House Finance
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
HR 8 (Huntley) A house resolution expressing the sense of the Minnesota House of Representatives regarding an extension of the enhanced federal Medicaid match.
HF3281 (Murphy) Omnibus pension bill
HF3660 (Koenen) Department of corrections; settlement provided for certain claims against the state for injuries suffered.
HF3571 (Koenen) Publicly owned nursing facilities rate increase authorized, and local share required for nonfederal medical assistance costs.
HF3748 (Simon) Chairs and ranking minority members of the Committee on Finance and Ways and Means authorized to request local impact notes.
SF2505 (Slawik) Statewide child care provider training, coaching, consultation, and supports funding provided to prepare for the voluntary Minnesota quality rating system, and money appropriated.
HF1993 (Clark) Minneapolis; utility poles treated with or containing pentachlorophenol prohibited.
HF3490 (Holberg) Requirements established governing capital requests and legislative reporting for projects to establish fixed guideway transit and rail lines.
Wednesday, April 28
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2918-Betzold: Omnibus retirement bill.
S.F. 2573-Betzold: State, local, legislator and hospital public employees retirement financial sustainability provisions modifications.
S.F. 2644-Betzold: Minneapolis employees retirement fund (MERF) administrative functions transfer to the public employees retirement association (PERA); MERF consolidation account in PERA establishment and operation provisions.
S.F. 2199-Olson, G.: Legislature size reduction and senate district division prevention.
10:00 AM
House K-12 Education Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: Mark-up and passage of HF2431, the omnibus K-12 finance and policy bill.
Posted by
Monday, April 26, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Legislators on break; Next week's schedule posted
Yesterday at the Capitol
Lawmakers did not meet yesterday due to the DFL party state convention. Next week is also expected to be a short week because of the Republican party state convention. After the conventions are over, legislators will have two weeks to wrap everything up prior to adjournment Monday, May 17.
Today at the Capitol
There are no legislative hearings today.
Looking Ahead
Monday, April 26
12:00 PM
House in Session
1:00 PM
House K-12 Education Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: Walk-through of the omnibus K-12 finance and policy bill.
NOTE: Copies of the articles will be posted online and be available to the public at approximately noon Monday.
HF243 (Greiling) School finance system modified, and new education funding framework created.
2:00 PM
Senate in Session
Tuesday, April 27
8:30 AM
House State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and Elections
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Gene Pelowski
Agenda: HF2958 (Pelowski) Open Meeting Law changed.
HF2227 (Marquart) Board of Innovation reestablished, powers and duties imposed, and money appropriated.
9:30 AM
House Finance
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
HR 8 (Huntley) A house resolution expressing the sense of the Minnesota House of Representatives regarding an extension of the enhanced federal Medicaid match.
HF3281 (Murphy) Omnibus pension bill
HF3660 (Koenen) Department of corrections; settlement provided for certain claims against the state for injuries suffered.
HF3571 (Koenen) Publicly owned nursing facilities rate increase authorized, and local share required for nonfederal medical assistance costs.
HF3748 (Simon) Chairs and ranking minority members of the Committee on Finance and Ways and Means authorized to request local impact notes.
SF2505 (Slawik) Statewide child care provider training, coaching, consultation, and supports funding provided to prepare for the voluntary Minnesota quality rating system, and money appropriated.
HF1993 (Clark) Minneapolis; utility poles treated with or containing pentachlorophenol prohibited.
HF3490 (Holberg) Requirements established governing capital requests and legislative reporting for projects to establish fixed guideway transit and rail lines.
Wednesday, April 28
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2918-Betzold: Omnibus retirement bill.
S.F. 2573-Betzold: State, local, legislator and hospital public employees retirement financial sustainability provisions modifications.
S.F. 2644-Betzold: Minneapolis employees retirement fund (MERF) administrative functions transfer to the public employees retirement association (PERA); MERF consolidation account in PERA establishment and operation provisions.
10:00 AM
House K-12 Education Finance
Room: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: Mark-up and passage of HF2431, the omnibus K-12 finance and policy bill.
Posted by
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Transfer bill compromised reached; Party conventions held
Yesterday at the Capitol
A compromise on the credit transfer bill, HF 3164, has been reached. The language can be found here. The conference committee report will need to be approved by both bodies before it is sent to the governor.
Today at the Capitol
The House and Senate will not be meeting today or tomorrow due to the DFL state party convention being held in Duluth. As a reminder, the Republican state party convention will be held next week so we can expect another short week. After the state conventions are done, lawmakers will have two weeks to wrap everything up before adjournment Monday, May 17.
Looking Ahead
Monday, April 26
12:00 PM
House in Session
2:00 PM
Senate in Session
Tuesday, April 27
8:30 AM
House State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and Elections
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Gene Pelowski
Agenda: HF2958 (Pelowski) Open Meeting Law changed.
HF2227 (Marquart) Board of Innovation reestablished, powers and duties imposed, and money appropriated.
Wednesday, April 28
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2918-Betzold: Omnibus retirement bill.
S.F. 2573-Betzold: State, local, legislator and hospital public employees retirement financial sustainability provisions modifications.
S.F. 2644-Betzold: Minneapolis employees retirement fund (MERF) administrative functions transfer to the public employees retirement association (PERA); MERF consolidation account in PERA establishment and operation provisions.
Posted by
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Senate passes policy bill; Race to the Top discussed
Yesterday at the Capitol
On the Senate floor yesterday, lawmakers took up SF 184, the Senate omnibus higher education policy bill. The bill passed after it was amended. The first amendment related to the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system deletes the provision on credit transfer. Bill author Sen. Sandy Pappas, DFL-St. Paul, explained to Senators that the transfer language is currently in a separate bill that is being worked out in conference committee. The rest of the amendment was technical in nature. The other amendment related to the system, introduced by Sen. Chuck Wiger, DFL-Maplewood, is regarding the monitoring of the federal postsecondary textbook disclosure law. The language requires the Office of Higher Education to monitor the implementation of the Higher Education Opportunity Act as it relates to the disclosure of textbook pricing and other information to students.
SF 184 includes language relating to the Minnesota Office of Higher Education. There is a provision in the bill that asks colleges and universities to make a reasonable attempt to identify and purchase food products that are grown within the state. You may find the bill here.
The omnibus higher education policy bill in the House is awaiting action on the House floor.
Also meeting yesterday was a joint House and Senate education committee to discuss a second Race to the Top proposal. The federal grant is intended to stimulate education reforms and to help states fix low-performing schools. A grant could be worth between $60 million and $175 million to Minnesota.
During the hearing Minnesota Education Commissioner Alice Seagren and Education Minnesota President Tom Dooher were seated at the committee table instead of in the audience as lawmakers and state education leaders worked to come up with a successful application. Rep. Mindy Greiling, DFL-Roseville, said, “I would say this is the most important education meeting we have had this session, the main way to win is if we come together and do what’s best for our students.” Greiling, Sen. LeRoy Stumpf, DFL-Plummer, and other lawmakers, along with Dooher and Seagren, plan to meet Wednesday with a federal education department representative at a Minneapolis conference about the second Race to the Top proposal.
Session Daily reports that Gov. Tim Pawlenty has said he will not sign a second-round application unless the Legislature passes certain reforms he favors, which are also required by the grant criteria. These reforms include alternative teacher licensure; linking student achievement data to teacher effectiveness, tenure and pay; implementing statewide teacher and principal evaluation systems; and the ability to dismiss educators shown to be ineffective according to defined criteria.
Today at the Capitol
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2998-Sheran: Programs for all-inclusive care for the elderly (PACE) authorization modifications.
S.F. 3073-Sheran: People with disabilities state programs and services effectiveness report request from the Arc of Minnesota.
S.F. 2589-Prettner Solon: High-voltage transmission lines route permits granting regulations.
S.F. 2429-Erickson Ropes: Veterans with service-connected disabilities public transit fee exemption clarification.
S.F. 1770-Jungbauer: Ladder out of poverty task force establishment.
S.F. 2900-Chaudhary: Miscellaneous game and fish, aquaculture and wildlife provisions
H.F. 2899/S.F. 2354-Betzold: Data practices violations administrative remedies and civil penalties.
S.F. 2186-Betzold: Civil commitment venue clarification.
S.F. 3029-Berglin: Advocating Change Together (ACT) self-advocacy network federal participation requirement.
9:00 AM
House in Session
9:00 AM
Senate Taxes
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Thomas M. Bakk
Agenda: S.F. 3327-Bakk: Omnibus tax bill (amendments and passage)
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, April 28
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2918-Betzold: Omnibus retirement bill.
S.F. 2573-Betzold: State, local, legislator and hospital public employees retirement financial sustainability provisions modifications.
S.F. 2644-Betzold: Minneapolis employees retirement fund (MERF) administrative functions transfer to the public employees retirement association (PERA); MERF consolidation account in PERA establishment and operation provisions.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Financial Aid bill advances; Schedule posted
Yesterday at the Capitol
The House Finance committee passed HF 3757 yesterday and referred it to the Tax committee. The bill, introduced by Rep. Bill Hilty, DFL-Finlayson, increases the fee to register a mutual fund from 1/20 of one percent to 1/10 of one-percent. Rep. Hilty testified that this is consistent with most other states and said that for every $10,000 invested in a mutual fund, there would be a $5 fee increase to help fill $23 million of the now $35 million state grant shortfall. Rep. Mary Kiffmeyer, R-Big Lake, said in committee that while many other states charge a fee of 1/10 of one percent, the other states set a cap on the fee, while HF 3757 does not.
Chair Lyndon Carlson, DFL-Crystal, asked the Office of Higher Education, or OHE, to explain what the average loss students are seeing in their state grant awards. Tricia Grimes with OHE said that the average student will see a $300 loss in their grant, but some students at a higher cost institution could see up to a reduction of $1,000 in their state grant. In response to Chair Carlson, Grimes also told committee members that 7,000 students will lose their state grant award altogether and over 5,000 of these students are from lower cost two-year community and technical colleges.
Chair Carlson explained to committee members that due to the economy, many more students are showing up at higher education institutions and a larger number of these students have a greater financial need. The Office of Higher Education moved dollars from the second year of the biennium to the first year to cover the cost of this greater need, which has resulted in the shortfall in the second year. Chair Carlson also said that it is difficult to predict how much funds will be needed in the state grant program from year to year, but under law, the OHE has to prorate students' awards if there is a shortfall.
Rep. Laura Brod, R-New Prague, said that the state grant program is a great program and lawmakers should make it a priority, but should find a different way to fund it without creating a tax.
If the Tax committee passes the bill on its own, it will travel to the Ways and Means committee and then the next stop would be the House floor. The Tax committee could also roll the bill into its omnibus bill or not pass the bill at all.
Today at the Capitol
8:30 AM
Joint Meeting: E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division; House Committee on K-12 Education Finance Division
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chairs: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf, Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: Race to the Top Discussion
9:00 AM
Senate Taxes
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Thomas M. Bakk
Agenda: S.F. 3327-Bakk: Omnibus Tax Bill (walk-through, no amendments)
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
SF 3134 - Omnibus state government policy bill
SF 184 - Omnibus higher education policy bill
1:30 PM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2716-Saltzman: Charter school provisions modifications; charter schools facilities authority establishment; credit enhancement account creation; purchasing and borrowing authority authorization; building lease transition aid eligibility authorization.
2:45 PM
House State Government Finance
Room: 300N State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Phyllis Kahn
*Bill removed: HF2227 (Marquart) Board of Innovation reestablished, powers and duties imposed, and money appropriated.
*Bill removed: HF3184 (Champion) Contracting requirement restrictions placed for using bond proceeds.
HF3449 (Kahn) State government programs or activities money appropriated or reduced, and provisions changed relating to expenses of governor-elect, income earned by the permanent school fund, lease-purchase agreements, general services, resource recovery, payment of aids and credits to school districts, tax return preparers, and implied consent.
HF3748 Simon) Chairs and ranking minority members of the Committee on Finance and Ways and Means authorized to request local impact notes.
**The State Government Finance omnibus policy bill will be assembled on 4/20. Amendments to the bill will be taken at a meeting in the first week in May.
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, April 21
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2998-Sheran: Programs for all-inclusive care for the elderly (PACE) authorization modifications.
S.F. 3073-Sheran: People with disabilities state programs and services effectiveness report request from the Arc of Minnesota.
S.F. 2589-Prettner Solon: High-voltage transmission lines route permits granting regulations.
S.F. 2429-Erickson Ropes: Veterans with service-connected disabilities public transit fee exemption clarification.
S.F. 1770-Jungbauer: Ladder out of poverty task force establishment.
S.F. 2900-Chaudhary: Miscellaneous game and fish, aquaculture and wildlife provisions
S.F. 2199-Olson, G.: Legislature size reduction and senate district division prevention.
H.F. 2899/S.F. 2354-Betzold: Data practices violations administrative remedies and civil penalties.
S.F. 2186-Betzold: Civil commitment venue clarification.
S.F. 3029-Berglin: Advocating Change Together (ACT) self-advocacy network federal participation requirement.
9:00 AM
House in Session
9:00 AM
Senate Taxes
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Thomas M. Bakk
Agenda: S.F. 3327-Bakk: Omnibus tax bill (amendments and passage)
Wednesday, April 28
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2918-Betzold: Omnibus retirement bill.
S.F. 2573-Betzold: State, local, legislator and hospital public employees retirement financial sustainability provisions modifications.
S.F. 2644-Betzold: Minneapolis employees retirement fund (MERF) administrative functions transfer to the public employees retirement association (PERA); MERF consolidation account in PERA establishment and operation provisions.
Posted by
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Quiet week expected; Party conventions later this week
It will be a quieter than usual week at the Capitol as the state DFL party is holding its state convention later this week in Duluth to endorse a candidate for governor and other offices. The Republican party holds its state convention next week. Neither the Senate nor House will meet in floor session Thursday or Friday.
Today at the Capitol
9:30 AM
House Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
Agenda: SF1323 (Gardner) Infectious Waste Control Act modified.
HF3757 (Hilty) Security transaction security exemptions modified, and money appropriated for the state grant program.
HF3414 (Hilty) Public Utilities Commission supplemental funding authorized, and money appropriated.
HF3033 (Rukavina) Rebate program established for solar photovoltaic modules, and money appropriated.
HF3347 (Urdahl) School concession stands established as a specific category of food and beverage service establishments.
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
12:00 PM
House in Session
Looking Ahead
Tuesday, April 20
8:30 AM
Joint Meeting: E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division; House Committee on K-12 Education Finance Division
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chairs: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf, Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: Race to the Top Discussion
9:00 AM
Senate Taxes
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Thomas M. Bakk
Agenda: S.F. 3327-Bakk: Omnibus Tax Bill (walk-through, no amendments)
2:45 PM
House State Government Finance
Room: 300N State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Phyllis Kahn
HF2227 (Marquart) Board of Innovation reestablished, powers and duties imposed, and money appropriated.
HF3184 (Champion) Contracting requirement restrictions placed for using bond proceeds.
HF3449 (Kahn) State government programs or activities money appropriated or reduced, and provisions changed relating to expenses of governor-elect, income earned by the permanent school fund, lease-purchase agreements, general services, resource recovery, payment of aids and credits to school districts, tax return preparers, and implied consent.
HF3748 Simon) Chairs and ranking minority members of the Committee on Finance and Ways and Means authorized to request local impact notes.
**The State Government Finance omnibus policy bill will be assembled on 4/20. Amendments to the bill will be taken at a meeting in the first week in May.
Wednesday, April 21
9:00 AM
Senate Taxes
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Thomas M. Bakk
Agenda: S.F. 3327-Bakk: Omnibus tax bill (amendments and passage)
Posted by
Monday, April 19, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Senate moves bonding language; Recommends Trustee Frederick for confirmation
Yesterday at the Capitol
The Senate Tax committee amended SF 3347 yesterday. The bill, introduced by Sen. Ann Lynch, DFL-Rochester, now includes language for Rochester Community and Technical College to use any remaining portion of bonding funds from the Olmsted County Steam Line Extension to convert heating and cooling systems within existing college buildings from electrical energy to steam-derived energy. The bill, as amended, was laid over for possible inclusion in the tax omnibus bill. Sen. Lynch and Rep. Kim Norton, DFL-Rochester, have introduced SF 3351/HF 3780 that reflects the language in the amendment.
Also yesterday, on the Senate floor Sen. Sandy Pappas, DFL-St. Paul, moved to remove the confirmation of Christopher Frederick to the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees from the higher education committee and placed on the confirmation calendar.
Today at the Capitol
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2493-Moua: Crime of identity theft expansion to include scanning and reencoder use to acquire information from payment cards.
S.F. 2725-Moua: Gang and drug oversight council name change to violent crime oversight council; multijurisdictional gang and drug task forces certification process; criminal gang investigative data systems; intrastate data classification; cell phone tracking devices.
S.F. 2880-Moua: State Guardian Ad Litem board establishment.
S.F. 2634-Moua: Forfeiture of seized property procedure modification.
S.F. 560-Latz: Criminal records expungement law provisions expansion and modifications.
S.F. 2682-Erickson Ropes: Fillmore county veterans cemetery funding.
S.F. 3079-Sheran: Postsecondary enrollment options program modifications.
S.F. 2874-Pogemiller: State government streamlining; employment and economic development (DEED) and labor and industry departments abolishment; task force and employee participation committee establishment; Taxpayers Accountability Act.
S.F. 2496-Rummel: Policy innovation and research task force.
S.F. 2620-Bonoff: Service innovation commission establishment.
S.F. 214-Betzold: Notaries public regulations and fees modifications.
S.F. 2383-Dille: Minnesota couples on the brink project establishment; premarital education statements notary public (notarized) license requirement removal; marriage license fee disposition modification.
Looking Ahead
Monday, April 19
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
12:00 PM
House in Session
Tuesday, April 20
8:30 AM
Joint Meeting: E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division; House Committee on K-12 Education Finance Division
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chairs: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf, Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: Race to the Top Discussion
Posted by
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
House takes up policy, nanotech hot topic
Yesterday at the Capitol
The House Finance committee passed HF 3448, the higher education policy bill yesterday morning and sent it to the floor. The Senate companion bill, SF 184, sponsored by Sen. Sandy Pappas, DFL-St. Paul, awaits action by the full Senate. You may view HF 3448 here .
Prior to passage, the committee adopted three amendments to the bill. The first amendment adopted that relates to the system is regarding a surgical technologists pilot project. Under the provision, the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is to establish a pilot project to develop partnerships and training and employment opportunities for surgical technologists with a health care facility located within 25 miles of each one of the six accredited surgical technologist programs in the system.
The other amendment related to the system is regarding a nanotechnology report. By Feb. 1, 2011, the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities are required to report to the Legislature on ways nanotechnology is used responsibly through standards and guidelines that protect public health and the environment and provide for occupational health and safety.
The nanotechnology amendment was also discussed as an informational item yesterday in the House Housing Finance and Policy and Public Health Finance Division. Members of the committee were interested in learning more about the safety aspects in nanotechnology. Gail O'Kane, system director for education industry partnerships, told committee members about the programs within the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system that are focused on nanotechnology and informed members that the programs operate under OSHA standards.
Deb Newberry with Dakota County Technical College testified in front of the committee both as an instructor of nanotechnolgoy and from the national perspective of developing safety and environmental guidelines for nanotechnology.
Newberry spoke about the approaches to safety and ethics issues in Dakota County Technical College's program as well as other programs. Newberry also told the committee that it would be difficult to report on how the system's practices compare with national guidelines on nanotechnology as there are none yet. Newberry said the scientific and regulatory communities are working hard to develop guidelines, but the challenge is enormous since there at least a dozen interactive variables that would determine whether a particular use of a particular nanoparticle is toxic or environmentally harmful.
Politics in Minnesota captured Professor Newberry in mid-testimony here.
Today at the Capitol
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf
Agenda: S.F. 2716-Saltzman: Charter school provisions modifications; charter schools facilities authority establishment; credit enhancement account creation; purchasing and borrowing authority authorization; building lease transition aid eligibility authorization.
8:30 AM
Senate Taxes
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Thomas M. Bakk Agenda:
S.F. 3336 (Langseth) Detroit Lakes sales and use taxes imposition authority.
S.F. 3343 (Fischbach) Job opportunity building zones (JOBZ) agreements amendment authorization.
S.F. 3338 (Tomassoni) Biwabik Giants Ridge recreation area sales and use taxes imposition authority.
S.F. 3337 (Jungbauer) Ramsey tax increment financing (TIF) district establishment.
S.F. 3347 (Lynch) Rochester lodging, food and beverage taxes modification.
S.F. 3339 (Erickson Ropes) Class 4c property classification requirements modifications.
S.F. 3117 (Erickson Ropes) Property tax homestead market value exemption program benefits for disabled veterans surviving spouses extension.
S.F. 3348 (Dibble) Manufactured home park cooperatives homestead treatment modification.
S.F. 3340 (Bakk) Homestead resort property classification application extension.
S.F. 3055 (Dibble) Tobacco Modernization and Compliance Act of 2010.
S.F. 3349 (Parry) Owatonna sales and excise tax use expansion and bond issuance authority.
S.F. 3352 (Bakk) Sales and use tax treatment of drugs and medical devices modifications.
S.F. 2919 (Dibble) Transit improvement tax increment financing (TIF) districts authorization.
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
12:30 PM
House in Session
Looking Ahead
Friday, April 16
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2493-Moua: Crime of identity theft expansion to include scanning and reencoder use to acquire information from payment cards.
S.F. 2725-Moua: Gang and drug oversight council name change to violent crime oversight council; multijurisdictional gang and drug task forces certification process; criminal gang investigative data systems; intrastate data classification; cell phone tracking devices.
S.F. 2880-Moua: State Guardian Ad Litem board establishment.
S.F. 2634-Moua: Forfeiture of seized property procedure modification.
S.F. 560-Latz: Criminal records expungement law provisions expansion and modifications.
S.F. 2682-Erickson Ropes: Fillmore county veterans cemetery funding.
S.F. 3079-Sheran: Postsecondary enrollment options program modifications.
S.F. 2874-Pogemiller: State government streamlining; employment and economic development (DEED) and labor and industry departments abolishment; task force and employee
participation committee establishment; Taxpayers Accountability Act.
S.F. 2496-Rummel: Policy innovation and research task force.
S.F. 2620-Bonoff: Service innovation commission establishment.
S.F. 214-Betzold: Notaries public regulations and fees modifications.
S.F. 2383-Dille: Minnesota couples on the brink project establishment; premarital education statements notary public (notarized) license requirement removal; marriage license fee disposition modification.
Posted by
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Trustee Frederick questioned by Senators; Race to Top grant reviewed
Yesterday at the Capitol
The Senate Higher Education Budget and Policy Division was scheduled to meet yesterday and take up the confirmation of Board of Trustee member Chris Frederick. Due to a long floor session, the committee did not officially meet, however, committee members had an opportunity to meet with Trustee Frederick and ask him questions about his appointment on the Board. His confirmation is expected to be forwarded to the full Senate.
Also yesterday was a press conference held by House and Senate leaders who said they hope to build consensus with the governor and teacher unions, whose support is critical on legislation that would help meet the federal Race to the Top grant application criteria. A joint meeting of the House and Senate education committees is planned for next week to discuss a package of education reforms that could serve as an outline for a round-two application for Race to the Top. Rep. Mindy Greiling, DFL-Roseville, said Minnesota would be eligible for between $60 million and $175 million in grant money for four years. Some of the key reforms that are part of the grant application criteria and that the governor, teacher unions and lawmakers have disagreed on, include alternative teacher licensure; how the Q Comp pay for performance plan could be expanded; and how much student test scores should count in teacher evaluation and tenure decisions.
Today at the Capitol
8:30 AM
House Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
HF3589 (Kath) Contracts for professional or technical services reporting threshold reduced.
HF3046 (Ruud) Birthing centers licensure established.
HF2753 (Morrow) Trunk highway bond appropriation amended.
HF2754 (Winkler) Secretary of state filings regulated.
HF3458 (Shimanski) Minnesota Department of Transportation consultation required on roundabout design.
HF2577 (Carlson) Legislators allowed to call a special session, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF3739 (Carlson) Bond allocation limits modified, and transfer authorized.
HF3757 (Hilty) Security transaction security exemptions modified, and money appropriated for the state grant program.
HF3448 (Rukavina) Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; pilot project established for the local deposit of certain reserves.
HF3702 (Wagenius) Department of Natural Resources long-range land management budgeting required.
10:30 AM
Housing Finance and Policy and Public Health Finance Division
Room:500 S State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Karen Clark
Agenda: Discussion on nanotechnology
Informational hearing on HFXXXX (Clark) relating to higher education and public health; requiring a report on nanotechnology from the university of Minnesota and the Minnesota state colleges and universities
11:00 AM
House Ways and Means
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Loren Solberg
Bill(s) Added
Agenda: HF677 (Bunn) Body art procedures and establishments regulated.
HF1005 (Reinert) Enhanced driver's license and enhanced identification card created, application, issuance, and appearance of card provided, and Homeland Security secretary approval sought.
HF2678 (Juhnke) Agriculture and veteran affairs provisions and programs changed, development and use of industrialized hemp authorized and regulated, terms and procedures clarified, record keeping provisions changed, planning for additional veteran cemeteries required, and money appropriated.
HF2781 (Obermueller) Grant and loan programs modified, duties modified, technical changes made, terms defined, Minnesota Science and Technology Authority created, licensing provisions modified, fees imposed and modified, construction codes modified, study requested, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF2801 (Obermueller) Complete street program established and reports required.
SF2844 (Juhnke) Elevator provisions modified.
HF3106 (Bigham) First-degree driving while impaired crime amended to include prior felony convictions from other states, and implied consent, driving while impaired, and ignition interlock provisions modified.
HF2037 (Solberg) General fund dedicated revenue appropriations transferred to other funds.
3:00 PM
Senate Economic Development and Housing Budget Division
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. David J. Tomassoni
Agenda: S.F. 2874-Pogemiller: State government streamlining; employment and economic development (DEED) and labor and industry departments abolishment; task force and employee participation committee establishment; Taxpayers Accountability Act.
Looking Ahead
Thursday, April 15
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf
Agenda: S.F. 2716-Saltzman: Charter school provisions modifications; charter schools facilities authority establishment; credit enhancement account creation; purchasing and borrowing authority authorization; building lease transition aid eligibility authorization.
8:30 AM
Senate Taxes
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Thomas M. Bakk Agenda:
S.F. 3336 (Langseth) Detroit Lakes sales and use taxes imposition authority.
S.F. 3343 (Fischbach) Job opportunity building zones (JOBZ) agreements amendment authorization.
S.F. 3338 (Tomassoni) Biwabik Giants Ridge recreation area sales and use taxes imposition authority.
S.F. 3337 (Jungbauer) Ramsey tax increment financing (TIF) district establishment.
S.F. 3347 (Lynch) Rochester lodging, food and beverage taxes modification.
S.F. 3339 (Erickson Ropes) Class 4c property classification requirements modifications.
S.F. 3117 (Erickson Ropes) Property tax homestead market value exemption program benefits for disabled veterans surviving spouses extension.
S.F. 3348 (Dibble) Manufactured home park cooperatives homestead treatment modification.
S.F. 3340 (Bakk) Homestead resort property classification application extension.
S.F. 3055 (Dibble) Tobacco Modernization and Compliance Act of 2010.
S.F. 3349 (Parry) Owatonna sales and excise tax use expansion and bond issuance authority.
S.F. 3352 (Bakk) Sales and use tax treatment of drugs and medical devices modifications.
S.F. 2919 (Dibble) Transit improvement tax increment financing (TIF) districts authorization.
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
12:30 PM
House in Session
Friday, April 16
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2682-Erickson Ropes: Fillmore county veterans cemetery funding.
S.F. 3079-Sheran: Postsecondary enrollment options program modifications.
S.F. 560-Latz: Criminal records expungement law provisions expansion and modifications.
S.F. 2493-Moua: Crime of identity theft expansion to include scanning and reencoder use to acquire information from payment cards.
S.F. 2725-Moua: Gang and drug oversight council name change to violent crime oversight council; multijurisdictional gang and drug task forces certification process; criminal gang investigative data systems; intrastate data classification; cell phone tracking devices.
S.F. 2620-Bonoff: Service innovation commission establishment.
S.F. 214-Betzold: Notaries public regulations and fees modifications.
S.F. 2364-Pappas: Higher education facilities authority revenue bond limit increase.
S.F. 2940-Fischbach: Zero-based budgeting requirement for state government.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Contract ratification approved; State budget update
Yesterday at the Capitol
The full Senate approved SF 2386 yesterday, the contract ratification bill, by a vote of 48-16. The bill ratifies the contracts and plans for Minnesota State College Faculty or MSCF; the Minnesota State University Association of Administrative and Service Faculty or MSUAASF; the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees or ASCFME, the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees MAPE; the Middle Management Association; the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Administrators; the Commissioner’s Plan; and the Managerial Plan. In the House, the bill received a second reading yesterday (the third and final reading occurs immediately preceding the final vote on the bill).
The Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy Balanced Budget Subcommittee met yesterday morning to receive an update from Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) about the state's cash situation. MMB Budget Deputy Commissioner Jim Schowalter told committee members that Minnesota will not have to borrow money to pay its bills this spring, but cash flow shortfalls are still a possibility for later this year.
Schowalter said the state has averted a potential cash shortage in the general fund by borrowing more than $1 billion from other state accounts and by delaying $416 million in payments, mostly to school districts.
Schowalter said they won't know for sure whether borrowing is necessary until they see lawmaker's complete solution to the $994 million budget shortfall. The supplemental budget bill signed into law April 1 by Gov. Pawlenty solves approximately $312 million of that shortfall. Lawmakers are waiting to address the health and human services bill until Congress passes the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which could include approximately $400 million for Minnesota.
Today at the Capitol
9:30 AM
House Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
HF2690 (Sertich) Executive agency appropriations required to include proportionate reductions in expenditures on contracts, and requirements provided during periods of projected deficits.
HF2116 (Hansen) Vehicle transaction fees increased, acceptable methods of payment provided, and surcharge imposed.
HF605 (Hortman) Transportation Department management, priorities, research, and planning provisions modified.
HF2613 (Hilstrom) Mediation provided prior to commencement of mortgage foreclosure proceedings on homestead property, and homestead-lender mediation account created.
HF2600 (Mullery) Licensing and regulation provided for an individual engaged in the business of a mortgage loan originator or the mortgage loan business.
HF3122 (Juhnke) Licensing and regulation provided for appraisal management companies, and real estate appraiser advisory board regulated.
HF2562 (Thissen) COBRA premium state subsidy eligibility extended, and unexpected funds carry forward authorized for COBRA grants.
HF2405 (Reinert) Temporary successors provided to members of the legislature called into active military service, implementation of statutory language provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF2577 (Carlson) Legislators allowed to call a special session, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF3458 (Shimanski) Minnesota Department of Transportation consultation required on roundabout design.
10:30 AM
Housing Finance and Policy and Public Health Finance Division
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Karen Clark
Agenda: SF2996 (Urdahl) School concession stands established as a specific category of food and beverage service establishments.
** Discussion on Nanotechnology - removed from agenda, will be heard Wednesday.**
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
12:30 PM
Senate Higher Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Sandra Pappas
Agenda: S.F. 3014-Saltzman: Minnesota Science and Technology Authority Act
MnSCU Board of Trustees confirmation: Christopher Frederick
12:30 PM
House in Session
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, April 14
8:30 AM
House Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
HF3589 (Kath) Contracts for professional or technical services reporting threshold reduced.
HF3046 (Ruud) Birthing centers licensure established.
HF3739 (Carlson) Bond allocation limits modified, and transfer authorized.
HF3757 (Hilty) Security transaction security exemptions modified, and money appropriated for the state grant program.
HF3448 (Rukavina) Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; pilot project established for the local deposit of certain reserves.
HF3702 (Wagenius) Department of Natural Resources long-range land management budgeting required.
10:30 AM
Housing Finance and Policy and Public Health Finance Division
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Karen Clark
Agenda: Public discussion of nanotechnology
3:00 PM
Senate Economic Development and Housing Budget Division
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. David J. Tomassoni
S.F. 2874-Pogemiller: State government streamlining; employment and economic development (DEED) and labor and industry departments abolishment; task force and employee participation committee establishment; Taxpayers Accountability Act.
Thursday, April 15
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf
S.F. 2716-Saltzman: Charter school provisions modifications; charter schools facilities authority establishment; credit enhancement account creation; purchasing and borrowing authority authorization; building lease transition aid eligibility authorization.
9:00 AM
House State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and Elections
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Gene Pelowski
Agenda: HF2227 (Hilty) Board of Innovation reestablished, powers and duties imposed, and money appropriated.
12:30 PM
House in Session
Friday, April 16
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2682-Erickson Ropes: Fillmore county veterans cemetery funding.
S.F. 3079-Sheran: Postsecondary enrollment options program modifications.
S.F. 560-Latz: Criminal records expungement law provisions expansion and modifications.
S.F. 2493-Moua: Crime of identity theft expansion to include scanning and reencoder use to acquire information from payment cards.
S.F. 2725-Moua: Gang and drug oversight council name change to violent crime oversight council; multijurisdictional gang and drug task forces certification process; criminal gang investigative data systems; intrastate data classification; cell phone tracking devices.
S.F. 2620-Bonoff: Service innovation commission establishment.
S.F. 214-Betzold: Notaries public regulations and fees modifications.
S.F. 2364-Pappas: Higher education facilities authority revenue bond limit increase.
S.F. 2940-Fischbach: Zero-based budgeting requirement for state government.
Posted by
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Trustee Frederick to be confirmed; Congress reconvenes
This week at the Capitol, the Senate Higher Education Budget and Policy Division will take up the confirmation of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees member Christopher Frederick Tuesday. On Wednesday, the House higher education policy bill, HF 3448, will be before the House Finance committee at 8:30 a.m. The latest engrossment of the bill is not available online yet. Once it is available, we will send you the link.
On the federal level, Congress will reconvene after a two-week recess. The U.S. House of Representatives is not scheduled to meet today, but will meet tomorrow. The U.S. Senate will convene at 2:00 p.m. today.
Today at the Capitol
9:00 AM
Joint Committee: LCPFP Subcommittee on a Balanced Budget
Room: 15 Capitol
Chairs: Rep. Lyndon Carlson, Sen. Lawrence J. Pogemiller
Agenda: Update on cash flow
11:00 AM
House in Session
12:00 PM
Senate in Session
Looking Ahead
Tuesday, April 13
9:30 AM
House Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
HF2690 (Sertich) Executive agency appropriations required to include proportionate reductions in expenditures on contracts, and requirements provided during periods of projected deficits.
HF2116 (Hansen) Vehicle transaction fees increased, acceptable methods of payment provided, and surcharge imposed.
HF605 (Hortman) Transportation Department management, priorities, research, and planning provisions modified.
HF2613 (Hilstrom) Mediation provided prior to commencement of mortgage foreclosure proceedings on homestead property, and homestead-lender mediation account created.
HF2600 (Mullery) Licensing and regulation provided for an individual engaged in the business of a mortgage loan originator or the mortgage loan business.
HF3122 (Juhnke) Licensing and regulation provided for appraisal management companies, and real estate appraiser advisory board regulated.
HF2562 (Thissen) COBRA premium state subsidy eligibility extended, and unexpected funds carry forward authorized for COBRA grants.
HF2405 (Reinert) Temporary successors provided to members of the legislature called into active military service, implementation of statutory language provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF2577 (Carlson) Legislators allowed to call a special session, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF3458 (Shimanski) Minnesota Department of Transportation consultation required on roundabout design.
10:30 AM
Housing Finance and Policy and Public Health Finance Division
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Karen Clark
Agenda: SF2996 (Urdahl) School concession stands established as a specific category of food and beverage service establishments.
Discussion on Nanotechnology
12:30 PM
Senate Higher Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Sandra Pappas
Agenda: S.F. 3014-Saltzman: Minnesota Science and Technology Authority Act
MnSCU Board of Trustees confirmation: Christopher Frederick
12:30 PM
House in Session
Wednesday, April 14
8:30 AM
House Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
SF2758 (Bunn) Minnesota entrepreneur virtual assistance network authorized, and money appropriated.
HF3739 (Carlson) Bond allocation limits modified, and transfer authorized.
HF3757 (Hilty) Security transaction security exemptions modified, and money appropriated for the state grant program.
HF3448 (Rukavina) Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; pilot project established for the local deposit of certain reserves.
HF3046 (Ruud) Birthing centers licensure established
Thursday, April 15
9:00 AM
House State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and Elections
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Gene Pelowski
Agenda: HF2227 (Hilty) Board of Innovation reestablished, powers and duties imposed, and money appropriated.
12:30 PM
House in Session
Friday, April 16
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 2682-Erickson Ropes: Fillmore county veterans cemetery funding.
S.F. 3079-Sheran: Postsecondary enrollment options program modifications.
S.F. 560-Latz: Criminal records expungement law provisions expansion and modifications.
S.F. 2493-Moua: Crime of identity theft expansion to include scanning and reencoder use to acquire information from payment cards.
S.F. 2725-Moua: Gang and drug oversight council name change to violent crime oversight council; multijurisdictional gang and drug task forces certification process; criminal gang investigative data systems; intrastate data classification; cell phone tracking devices.
S.F. 2620-Bonoff: Service innovation commission establishment.
S.F. 214-Betzold: Notaries public regulations and fees modifications.
S.F. 2364-Pappas: Higher education facilities authority revenue bond limit increase.
S.F. 2940-Fischbach: Zero-based budgeting requirement for state government.
Posted by
Monday, April 12, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Transfer conference committee appointed; House hears policy bill
Yesterday at the Capitol
Earlier this week it was reported that the Senate passed the House version of the system credit transfer bill, HF 3164. We have subsequently learned that the Senate substituted the House language with the Senate language, passed the bill back to the House, where it was rejected, so a conference committee has been appointed. Conferees will work through the differences between the two bills. The House conferees are; Rep. Larry Haws, DFL-St. Cloud; Rep. Jeanne Poppe, DFL-Austin; and Rep. Carol McFarlane, R-White Bear Lake. At the time of this writing, the Senate conferees have not yet been appointed.
You may compare the two bills at the links below:
SF 2822
HF 3164
The House Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance and Policy Division held their last meeting yesterday and took up three bills. The first bill, HF 3739, sponsored by Rep. Lyndon Carlson, DFL-Crystal, increases the annual allocation of tax exempt bonding authority for student loan bonds and authorizes three state agencies; Minnesota Housing Finance, Office of Higher Education, and the Rural Finance Authority, as entitlement issuers of bonds through the bond allocation to transfer their individual allocated authority to each other prior to Dec. 1 of each year. The bill was recommended to pass and was referred to the Finance committee.
Committee members also heard HF 3757, sponsored by Rep. Bill Hilty, DFL-Finlayson, that doubles the fee assessed on mutual funds and appropriates $23 million of the revenue generated to the state grant program to help fill part of the $42 million state grant shortfall. The deficit will cause the Office of Higher Education to pro-rate state grant awards later this year. Members learned that students would see an average of $200 more in their state grant award by partially filling in the shortfall. When asked what the impact would be to mutual fund holders, it was determined that for every $10,000 in mutual funds, there would be an approximate $5 fee increase.
Rep. Sarah Anderson, R-Plymouth, proposed an amendment that would generate revenue through racino instead of assessing an increase in the fee on mutual funds. 20 percent of the revenue raised from racino would be dedicated to the Office of Higher Education for state grant expenditures. After much debate, the amendment did not pass on a roll call vote of 6-12. Rep. Hilty's original bill did pass however on a roll call vote of 11-7 and was referred to the Finance committee where it will be heard Wednesday of next week.
The third bill heard yesterday was HF 3448, which was amended to become the committee's second omnibus policy bill. The bill includes the provisions from the first policy bill plus provisions from other bills. Included in the bill is language that raises the age of senior citizen in statute from 62 to 66 to receive a tuition discount; caps the onetime grant for high school-to-college developmental transition program at $1 million; and establishes the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities central system office and provides for general duties of the office.
The supplemental budget bill signed by the governor raised the revenue fund authority in statute from $200 million to $300 million. HF 3448 brings that authority increase down to $275 million. The bill also corrects the system's base budget for fiscal years 2012-13 for operations and maintenance at the colleges and universities to be $580.802 million each year.
There is language in the bill that requires the system along with the Chamber of Commerce, and representatives of industry groups and labor unions to study program requirements for certificates and diplomas awarded by the system to determine the feasibility of designing technical education programs to allow students to have more opportunities to earn credentials with lower credit requirements that could be combined into higher level certificates or diplomas. There is also a provision that requires the system office to streamline services provided through the office to reduce expenditures, better target the use of state resources and provide services at the most appropriate and efficient level so as not to duplicate any services provided at the institution level.
There is language on credit transfer, postretirement health insurance premium reimbursements, the local deposit of reserves pilot project and a provision that states the system office cannot pass through any reductions made to the office to the institutions.
The bill, as amended, was passed and referred to the Finance committee where it will be heard Wednesday.
Today at the Capitol
8:30 AM
House Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
HF2758 (Lillie) Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified.
HF677 (Bunn) Body art procedures and establishments regulated.
SF2339 (Peterson) Criminal penalty increased for possessing dangerous weapons on school property while criminal penalty lowered for brandishing, using, or possessing replica firearms and BB guns on school property.
HF1320 (Swails) Pharmacists prohibited from substituting epilepsy drugs without prior consent and notification.
HF3046 (Ruud) Birthing centers licensure established.
HF3123 (Morgan) K-12 special education third-party billing process made more cost effective.
HF3279 (Huntley) Electronic health record technology provisions amended, administrative penalties provided, and money appropriated.
HF3713 (Huntley) Medical assistance eligibility expanded to include certain adults without children, and money appropriated.
HF3224 (Beard) Transportation projects provisions modified.
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 3275-Anderson: Natural resources department long-range land management budget analysis requirement.
S.F. 2541-Kubly: Indian tribal government owned watercraft, off-highway vehicles and snowmobiles motor vehicle registration and licensing requirement exemptions.
S.F. 3003-Saltzman: Solid waste disposal facilities requirements and landfill siting rules modifications.
S.F. 2510-Tomassoni: Labor and industry licensing and fee modifications.
S.F. 2873-Frederickson: Public facilities authority duties and programs modifications; department of employment and economic development (DEED) employees transfer to public facilities authority.
S.F. 2832-Saltzman: Construction codes residential written contact performance guidelines requirements; housing statutory warranties modifications and dispute resolution procedures provisions.
S.F. 2941-Saltzman: 4-H funding procedure modification; University of Minnesota extension service policy modification for 4-H programs support.
S.F. 1905-Scheid: Small employer health insurance market application form standardization development and adoption.
S.F. 2170-Scheid: Homestead-lender mediation requirement prior to mortgage foreclosure.
S.F. 1761-Scheid: Health plans chemotherapy treatment coverage payment regulations.
S.F. 3134-Betzold: State government appropriations, appropriation reductions and one-time transfers.
S.F. 2629-Sieben: County assistive voting, vote-counting and optical scan equipment grants appropriation.
S.F. 1590-Sieben: Inflatable amusement equipment safety standards establishment.
S.F. 2750-Bonoff: Constitutional amendment for public debt to be incurred for public information technology systems, licenses and infrastructure.
S.F. 3084-Carlson: Professional or technical services contract reporting threshold reduction; report requirements modifications.
S.F. 3325-Latz: Local impact notes request from finance and ways and means committees authorization.
S.F. 2471-Olseen: Declaration of trust and real property secretary of state filings modification.
S.F. 2682-Erickson Ropes: Fillmore county veterans cemetery funding.
Looking Ahead
Monday, April 12
9:00 AM
Joint Committee: LCPFP Subcommittee on a Balanced Budget
Room: 15 Capitol
Chairs: Rep. Lyndon Carlson, Sen. Lawrence J. Pogemiller
Agenda: Update on cash flow
11:00 AM
House in Session
12:00 PM
Senate in Session
Wednesday, April 14
8:30 AM
House Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
SF2758 (Bunn) Minnesota entrepreneur virtual assistance network authorized, and money appropriated.
HF3739 (Carlson) Bond allocation limits modified, and transfer authorized.
HF3757 (Hilty) Security transaction security exemptions modified, and money appropriated for the state grant program.
HF3448 (Rukavina) Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; pilot project established for the local deposit of certain reserves.
HF3046 (Ruud) Birthing centers licensure established.
Posted by
Friday, April 09, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
House passes Senate mental health bill
Yesterday at the Capitol
The full House passed SF 2425, introduced by Sen. Sharon Erickson Ropes, DFL-Winona, which clarifies that under Minnesota law, mental health information can be disclosed in health and safety emergencies consistent with the requirements of the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA currently authorizes colleges and universities to determine that a health and safety emergency exists and to disclose health information to appropriate parties, including parents. The Senate passed the bill earlier on March 29 so it now heads to the governor.
Today at the Capitol
8:00 AM
Trustee Candidate Advisory Council
Room: 300N State Office Building
Chair: Kent Eklund
Agenda: Candidates interviewed for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf
Agenda: S.F. 2716-Saltzman: Charter school provisions modifications; charter schools facilities authority establishment; credit enhancement account creation; purchasing and borrowing authority authorization; building lease transition aid eligibility authorization.
8:30 AM
Senate Committee on Taxes
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Thomas M. Bakk
S.F. 3036-Vandeveer: Energy management system purchase and installation income tax subtraction.
S.F. 3047-Kubly: Grain bin sales and use tax collection.
S.F. 2224-Kubly: County public safety radio communications equipment upgrade sales tax exemptions.
S.F. 2545-Frederickson: Sales tax exemption for public safety radio communications equipment.
S.F. 2798-Rosen: Sales tax exemption for public safety radio communications equipment.
S.F. 2688-Anderson: Homeless prevention and food shelf income tax checkoff.
S.F. 3286-Sieben: Cottage Grove economic development authority tax increment financing (TIF) district plan modification authority.
S.F. 3322-Pappas: Higher education bond allocation limits modification; housing finance agency (HFA), office of higher education and rural finance authority bonding authority transfer authorization.
10:30 AM *Note change in time and agenda*
House Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance and Policy Division
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Agenda: HF3739 (Carlson) Bond allocation limits modified, and transfer authorized.
HF3757 (Hilty) relating to higher education; modifying securities transaction exemptions; appropriating money for the state grant program
HF3448 (Rukavina) Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; pilot project established for the local deposit of certain reserves. (HF3448 will be amended to create a new higher ed omnibus policy bill).
10:30 AM and after session if needed
House State Government Finance
Room: 400N State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Phyllis Kahn
HF2952 (Murphy) State employees retirement plan contribution rates increased, adjustment provisions changed, refund interest rates reduced, augmentation rates reduced, interest eliminated, vesting requirements and early retirement reduction rates increased, rates reduced, amortization periods extended, study required, and bylaw amendments authorized.
HF3281 (Murphy) Volunteer fire relief associations technical corrections made, break-in-service return revised, Minnesota deferred compensation plan service pension transfers authorized, payout defaults revised in survivor benefits, and corrections of certain special fund deposits authorized.
HF2922 (Thissen) Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund; administrative functions transferred to the Public Employees Retirement Association, consolidation account created within the Public Employees Retirement Association, and money appropriated.
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
1:00 PM
House in Session
Looking Ahead
Friday, April 9
8:30 AM
House Finance
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
HF2758 (Lillie) Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified.
HF677 (Bunn) Body art procedures and establishments regulated.
SF2339 (Peterson) Criminal penalty increased for possessing dangerous weapons on school property while criminal penalty lowered for brandishing, using, or possessing replica firearms and BB guns on school property.
HF1320 (Swails) Pharmacists prohibited from substituting epilepsy drugs without prior consent and notification.
HF3046 (Ruud) Birthing centers licensure established.
HF3123 (Morgan) K-12 special education third-party billing process made more cost effective.
HF3279 (Huntley) Electronic health record technology provisions amended, administrative penalties provided, and money appropriated.
HF3713 (Huntley) Medical assistance eligibility expanded to include certain adults without children, and money appropriated.
HF3224 (Beard) Transportation projects provisions modified.
8:30 AM
Senate Finance
Room: 123 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Richard J. Cohen
S.F. 3275-Anderson: Natural resources department long-range land management budget analysis requirement.
S.F. 2510-Tomassoni: Labor and industry licensing and fee modifications.
S.F. 3134-Betzold: State government appropriations, appropriation reductions and one-time transfers.
Monday, April 12
9:00 AM
Joint Committee: LCPFP Subcommittee on a Balanced Budget
Room: 15 Capitol
Chairs: Rep. Lyndon Carlson, Sen. Lawrence J. Pogemiller
Agenda: Update on cash flow
Posted by
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Transfer passed, House committee hears from system presidents
Yesterday at the Capitol
The full Senate passed HF 3164 yesterday, the House version of the credit transfer bill that requires the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system to develop and maintain a systemwide effective and efficient mechanism for seamless student transfer between system institutions that has a goal of minimal loss of credits for transferring students. The House passed the bill a couple weeks prior.
The House Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance and Policy Division is beginning to look ahead to the 2012-13 biennium given the projected $5.8 billion deficit. Committee members heard yesterday from the higher education systems about what colleges and universities are doing to prepare for budget planning. St. Cloud State University President Earl Potter said his university is considering retrenchment and faculty layoffs to address the problem. Potter testified to the open communication process the university has undertaken with the entire St. Cloud community.
North Hennepin Community College President Ann Wynia told committee members that she is concerned about the 2012-13 biennium, especially since the one-time federal ARRA funds will no longer be available. Wynia said that the college's enrollment is at an all-time high, but the worst thing she feels could happen would be to turn away students due to budget reductions.
Today at the Capitol
8:00 AM
Trustee Candidate Advisory Council
Room: 300N State Office Building
Chair: Kent Eklund
Agenda: Candidates interviewed for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf
Agenda: MN Department of Education presentation on the federal School Improvement Grant program for Minnesota's 34 lowest achieving schools
10:00 AM (Bills not heard by 11:00 will be heard 30 minutes after session adjourns)
Senate State Government Budget Division
Room: 107 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Don Betzold
S.F. 3318-Dibble: Energy improvement financing program provisions modification.
S.F. 3325-Latz: Local impact notes request from finance and ways and means committees authorization.
S.F. 1770-Jungbauer: Ladder out of poverty task force establishment.
S.F. 2496-Rummel: Policy innovation and research task force.
S.F. 2620-Bonoff: Service innovation commission establishment.
S.F. 1880-Metzen: Innovation board reestablishment; providing for grants and appropriation.
10:30 AM
House K-12 Education Policy and Oversight
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Agenda: The Common Core State Standards Initiative
11:00 AM
Senate in Session
12:30 PM
House in Session
Looking Ahead
Thursday, April 8
8:00 AM
Trustee Candidate Advisory Council
Room: 300N State Office Building
Chair: Kent Eklund
Agenda: Candidates interviewed for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf
Agenda: S.F. 2716-Saltzman: Charter school provisions modifications; charter schools facilities authority establishment; credit enhancement account creation; purchasing and borrowing authority authorization; building lease transition aid eligibility authorization.
8:30 AM
Senate Committee on Taxes
Room: 15 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Thomas M. Bakk
S.F. 3036-Vandeveer: Energy management system purchase and installation income tax subtraction.
S.F. 3047-Kubly: Grain bin sales and use tax collection.
S.F. 2224-Kubly: County public safety radio communications equipment upgrade sales tax exemptions.
S.F. 2545-Frederickson: Sales tax exemption for public safety radio communications equipment.
S.F. 2798-Rosen: Sales tax exemption for public safety radio communications equipment.
S.F. 2688-Anderson: Homeless prevention and food shelf income tax checkoff.
S.F. 3286-Sieben: Cottage Grove economic development authority tax increment financing (TIF) district plan modification authority.
S.F. 3322-Pappas: Higher education bond allocation limits modification; housing finance agency (HFA), office of higher education and rural finance authority bonding authority transfer authorization.
10:00 PM
House Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance and Policy Division
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Agenda: HF3739 (Carlson) Bond allocation limits modified, and transfer authorized.
HF3757 (Hilty) relating to higher education; modifying securities transaction exemptions; appropriating money for the state grant program
10:30 AM and after session if needed
House State Government Finance
Room: 400N State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Phyllis Kahn
HF2952 (Murphy) State employees retirement plan contribution rates increased, adjustment provisions changed, refund interest rates reduced, augmentation rates reduced, interest eliminated, vesting requirements and early retirement reduction rates increased, rates reduced, amortization periods extended, study required, and bylaw amendments authorized.
HF3281 (Murphy) Volunteer fire relief associations technical corrections made, break-in-service return revised, Minnesota deferred compensation plan service pension transfers authorized, payout defaults revised in survivor benefits, and corrections of certain special fund deposits authorized.
HF2922 (Thissen) Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund; administrative functions transferred to the Public Employees Retirement Association, consolidation account created within the Public Employees Retirement Association, and money appropriated.
12:30 PM
House in Session
Friday, April 9
8:30 AM
House Finance
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
HF2758 (Lillie) Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified.
HF677 (Bunn) Body art procedures and establishments regulated.
SF2339 (Peterson) Criminal penalty increased for possessing dangerous weapons on school property while criminal penalty lowered for brandishing, using, or possessing replica firearms and BB guns on school property.
HF1320 (Swails) Pharmacists prohibited from substituting epilepsy drugs without prior consent and notification.
HF3046 (Ruud) Birthing centers licensure established.
HF3123 (Morgan) K-12 special education third-party billing process made more cost effective.
HF3279 (Huntley) Electronic health record technology provisions amended, administrative penalties provided, and money appropriated.
HF3713 (Huntley) Medical assistance eligibility expanded to include certain adults without children, and money appropriated.
HF3224 (Beard) Transportation projects provisions modified.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Legislators back in town
After a brief recess during the Easter and Passover holidays, lawmakers return to St. Paul today for the second half of the legislative session. Floor sessions in both the House and Senate will convene today at noon. Please note that the House Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance and Policy Division hearing start time has changed from 10:00 to 2:30 this afternoon. Committee members will hear from the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities about campus budget planning.
Over the legislative break, the governor signed the supplemental budget bill into law. Chapter 215 can be found here.
Today at the Capitol
12:00 PM
House in Session
12:00 PM
Senate in Session
2:30 PM *Note time change*
House Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance and Policy Division
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Agenda: Higher education system and campus budget planning
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, April 7
8:00 AM
Trustee Candidate Advisory Council
Room: 300N State Office Building
Chair: Kent Eklund
Agenda: Candidates interviewed for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf
Agenda: MN Department of Education presentation on the federal School Improvement Grant program for Minnesota's 34 lowest achieving schools
10:30 AM
House K-12 Education Policy and Oversight
Room: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Agenda: The Common Core State Standards Initiative
12:30 PM
Senate State Government Budget Division
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. Don Betzold
S.F. 3318-Dibble: Energy improvement financing program provisions modification.
S.F. 3325-Latz: Local impact notes request from finance and ways and means committees authorization.
S.F. 1770-Jungbauer: Ladder out of poverty task force establishment.
S.F. 2496-Rummel: Policy innovation and research task force.
S.F. 2620-Bonoff: Service innovation commission establishment.
S.F. 1880-Metzen: Innovation board reestablishment; providing for grants and appropriation.
12:30 PM
House in Session
Thursday, April 8
8:00 AM
Trustee Candidate Advisory Council
Room: 300N State Office Building
Chair: Kent Eklund
Agenda: Candidates interviewed for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees
8:30 AM
Senate E-12 Education Budget and Policy Division
Room: 112 Capitol
Chair: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf
Agenda: S.F. 2716-Saltzman: Charter school provisions modifications; charter schools facilities authority establishment; credit enhancement account creation; purchasing and borrowing authority authorization; building lease transition aid eligibility authorization.
10:00 PM
House Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance and Policy Division
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Agenda: HF3739 (Carlson) Bond allocation limits modified, and transfer authorized
HFXXXX (Hilty) relating to higher education; modifying securities transaction exemptions; appropriating money for the state grant program
12:30 PM
House in Session
Friday, April 9
8:30 AM
House Finance
Room: Basement State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
HF2758 (Lillie) Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified.
HF677 (Bunn) Body art procedures and establishments regulated.
SF2339 (Peterson) Criminal penalty increased for possessing dangerous weapons on school property while criminal penalty lowered for brandishing, using, or possessing replica firearms and BB guns on school property.
HF1320 (Swails) Pharmacists prohibited from substituting epilepsy drugs without prior consent and notification.
HF3046 (Ruud) Birthing centers licensure established.
HF3123 (Morgan) K-12 special education third-party billing process made more cost effective.
HF3279 (Huntley) Electronic health record technology provisions amended, administrative penalties provided, and money appropriated.
HF3713 (Huntley) Medical assistance eligibility expanded to include certain adults without children, and money appropriated.
HF3224 (Beard) Transportation projects provisions modified.
Posted by
Tuesday, April 06, 2010